Home News Local Have you been the recipient of a “random act of kindness?”

Have you been the recipient of a “random act of kindness?”


Send us your story and some kindness agent will win $200

MANITOULIN—We’ve officially hit the halfway mark of January, and with it, for many people, it can also mean the winter doldrums. This winter The Expositor urges its readers to take part in ‘random acts of kindness’ whenever and wherever possible to help your fellow Islanders get through the deep, dark winter with a lighter heart.

Secondly, if you have been the recipient of a random act of kindness, we want to hear about it. Did a neighbour shovel your walkway unbidden; did someone help you to your car with your groceries; or maybe you received a compliment from a stranger on the main street? Tell us! Each person that submits an entry (from now until the end of February) acknowledging the good deeds of Haweaters will be entered into a random draw. The name drawn will get to donate $200 to a Manitoulin charity of his or her choice, courtesy of an anonymous donor.

The Expositor’s January 4 editorial encouraged Islanders to make 2017 the year of random acts of kindness, so take up the challenge and consider this your kickstart to making it a year-long goal!

The random acts of kindness can be simple in nature. Like to craft? Make a gift for someone. New neighbour on the street? Go and introduce yourself and tell them about the area. Leave quarters at the Laundromat. Write a positive comment on a website, blog or Facebook page. The possibilities are endless.

If you have been the recipient of a random act of kindness, don’t by shy. Send us your good news by emailing editor@manitoulin.ca, sharing it on Instagram @man_expositor (#randomactofkindness) or drop us a line at The Manitoulin Expositor c/o Random Acts of Kindness PO Box 369, Little Current, Ontario P0P 1K0. The acts will be shared in our print edition and on our Facebook page and don’t forget, one person will get to choose a charity to donate $200 to. It’s an all around win.

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Alicia McCutcheon has served as editor-in-chief of The Manitoulin Expositor and The Manitoulin West Recorder since 2011. She grew up in the newspaper business and earned an Honours B.A. in communications from Laurentian University, Sudbury, also achieving a graduate certificate in journalism, with distinction, from Cambrian College. Ms. McCutcheon has received peer recognition for her writing, particularly on the social consequences of the Native residential school program. She manages a staff of four writers from her office at The Manitoulin Expositor in Little Current.


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