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Providence Bay News & Notes


We have some belated birthday wishes to announce. Happy birthday to Anna Orford and to Morgen Moggy (nee McDermid) who celebrated on September 22. Former resident Dave Wunsch celebrated on September 25. Upcoming birthday wishes go out to Sally Dawson (nee McDermid) on September 28.

Tim McFarlane and husband Maciek Zielinski have arrived for a visit to Canada. They are sightseeing in Toronto and Niagara Falls before heading up the Bruce Peninsula to home. They will be staying at Hummingbird Retreat while in Providence Bay. They’ve also brought friends along with them. Welcome to first time visitors Yvonne and Marcus Franceschin, and to Lorraine and Stephen Lewis all of London England. The visitors from London are bringing #MADBANTZ with them.

There is going to be a work bee coming up at the Village Square this Saturday, September 30. If you have any perennial plants that you’d like to divide up and share, please bring them with you.

There was more going on in our village but we’ll have to update next week. Our apologies for the brevity of this report.

If there is anything that you would like to contribute to The Providence Bay News and Notes, we’d love to hear from you. Please let us know of any upcoming birthdays, anniversaries, or events. You can email prov_chick@hotmail.com  or call Cheryl at 705-862-1613. All submissions are required by 3 pm on the Sunday before each Wednesday publication of the paper. Have a great week everyone.


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