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Providence Bay News & Notes


The monthly euchre tournament was held Tuesday, May 30. The winners for first place were Linda and Marg with 86 points. Second place with a score of 80 was Jim and Fred. third place went to George and Gayle with 79 points and fourth was taken by Bill and Brad with 78 points. The most lone hands was tied with 8 points each going to Jim/Fred and Linda/Marg. The low hand went to Lois and Ted. A good time was had by all. The regular weekly euchre games night will be held every Tuesday until the end of June.

The stoplights at the Mindemoya River Bridge are now operational as the bridge crossing has been narrowed to one lane. They’ve cleared all of the trees from the banks east of the bridge. The speed limit through there has been reduced to 30 km/hr. We have to remember to be cautious for the safety of the road workers. We’re sure going to appreciate all of the upgrades they are doing to our highway.

Cousin Bill Tolman and his wife Joan of Surrey, England recently visited with Peter and Janet Fathers for a few days while visiting Canada. Their visit coincided with Peter’s mother’s Celebration of Life service.

The monthly breakfast at the curling club had a good turnout with 35 people attending.

Happy Belated Birthday wishes go out to Laura Kernohan (nee Oakes).

The Manitoulin Passage Ride was very well attended. Lots of flags were out marking out the trails to follow. We had 3 trails that went through our little village. The cyclists could be seen taking in beautiful scenery and taking pictures of the beautiful blooms of the ladies slippers and the lilac trees.

The Canada Post Office has moved and opened their doors June 5 in the Mutchmor.

As part of the Bluegrass in the Country music festival, the Manitoulin Tourism Association have partnered with the North Channel Cruise Line to host the Thursday Bluegrass Festival Dinner Cruise. The entertainment is provided by Winterline, a multi-award winning Canadian Bluegrass band. A bus is available departing from the Providence Bay Fairgrounds on Thursday, June 8 at 5 pm to make it to Little Current by the 6 pm boarding time in Little Current.

Happy Birthday wishes go out to Amy Wright who celebrates on June 9 as well as to Johnboy who celebrates the same day. Cindy Davis is celebrating on June 10. Happy Birthday to all.

The Bluegrass in the Country Music festival is being held at the Providence Bay Fairgrounds on June 9, 10 and 11. A weekend full of music and fun is being held featuring The Next Generation Leahy family as well as many other performers from near and far. We even have locals Robbie Shawana and Ben Lentir. All proceeds go to the Manitoulin Special Olympics.

It’s the time of year again to be cautious of turtles crossing the road looking for places to lay their eggs. Keep your eye out for them but also be alert to other traffic if you decide to stop and try to help them safely across the highways.

If you would like to make a submission to the Providence Bay News and Notes, please ensure that you do so by each Sunday at 3 pm. This will be for the column published the following Wednesday. You can email prov_chick@hotmail.com or you can call Cheryl at 705-377-7511. We appreciate any and all information received. There is so much going on in our village that we’d love to let everyone know.


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