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Providence Bay News and Notes


The Providence Bay Village Square Project will start up again soon now that spring has arrived. The next phase will be preparation of the planting beds–and for that we will need plants. All donations of perennials, shrubs and annuals from you avid gardeners in the community would be greatly appreciated. To make it convenient for you, a temporary nursery garden is available for dropping off your donations as you do a spring division of your plants. Providence House at 5252 Hwy 551 (blue house with the stone wall) will be receiving plants starting May 1–shovel, fork and watering hose provided for the planting bed at the east end of the driveway. So drive up, drop off and feel great about your part in making the village centre look awesome. There is still a donation jar for the beautification project at Buie’s Grocery in Spring Bay as well as a new donation jar at the Providence Bay post office. We thank everyone for their generosity.

There have been many success stories from the people out fishing on the river for rainbow trout. There were many familiar faces out there but a welcome visitor was Bill Payette home from Toronto.

It’s so nice to see all of the snow gone and everything turning all green. One of the things that the thaw has exposed is the accumulation of garbage beside our roadways and on the beach. Thank you to everyone who brings home the garbage while out on their walks. If we all pick it up one piece at a time, it will soon all be gone. A reminder to anyone heading out into nature that if you bring something into the bush or onto the beach then ensure that you pack it back out with you. Let’s keep our community beautiful.

Last week’s euchre tournament results: first, Marcel and Deanie, 84; Lilly and Alene, 80; Marie and Marilyn, 76; Pat and Blaine, 74; low, Graham and Sheila, 35.

Don’t forget the Curling Club Breakfast Thursday, May 5 beginning at 7 to 9:30 am. Not only a good price but great food, wonderful people and don’t forget it’s all for the good cause of the upkeep of a valuable asset to our community.

The renovations to Matthew Garniss’s recent acquisition are coming along nicely. Many of us are looking forward to seeing the changes and the addition of commerce to our seasonal economy.

In addition to the fundraising spaghetti dinner being held for Dawn Young on May 12 at the Providence Bay Hall there is also a Go Fund Me page. You can donate easily on this webpage to help this family with the enormous costs that they will be incurring while Dawn goes for her transplants. You can find this webpage at  https://www.gofundme.com/r8zjzg4s  It is listed under Double Transplant for Dawn Young.

If there is anything that you would like to add to The Providence Bay News and Notes please let us know. You can contact Cheryl at 705-377-7511 or email: prov_chick@hotmail.com. We’d love to hear from you. Please make any submissions’ by 3:00 pm each Sunday. Holidays may alter the submission deadline.


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