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Providence Bay News and Notes


Mother Nature has thrown winter at us once again with strong winds and snow. A big shout out to all the snow plow operators who are working tirelessly to keep our roadways, parking lots and driveways clean so we can continue on with life as usual. Remember if you’re the one shovelling all that snow, be sure to dress properly and take your time. When your body tells you to take a break, listen to it and do it! Although the Bay isn’t frozen over yet, it looks like a giant slushy.

The Ladies’ Bonspiel is being hosted by the Providence Bay Curling Club this weekend. It starts Friday, February 17 and runs through until the finals on Sunday, February 19. Head on over and cheer on your favourite team, enjoy some delicious food, watch some fantastic curling and enjoy a beverage in the licenced bar.

This coming weekend is also a long weekend for Ontario. The Family Day weekend is a great time to get outdoors and enjoy the winter season in our beautiful part of the country. Get out your cross country skis, snow shoes or just your winter clothes and get outside. Build a snowman or an igloo or make snow angels with your favourite child/friend. This weekend is also a perfect time for families to get out fishing since this is a license free weekend and an opportunity for people who don’t usually fish to get out and enjoy the activity. You can find more information about this at www.ontariofamilyfishing.com

Happy Birthday wishes go out to Tabby Kay and to Mike Neill who both celebrate on February 18. If you see them out and about, be sure to give them warm wishes.

If there is anything that you would like to contribute to the Providence Bay News and Notes, we’d love to hear from you. Please let us know of any upcoming birthdays, anniversaries, or events. You can email prov_chick@hotmail.com or call Cheryl at 705-377-7511. All submissions are required by 3 pm on the Sunday before each Wednesday publication of the paper. Have a great week everyone.


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