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Providence Bay News and Notes


We’re really enjoying the warm weather here in Providence Bay. We have the perfect spot to spend the day on the beautiful beach and to enjoy the Discovery Centre and some ice cream.

Last Thursday the Sunset Concert series was moved indoors due to rain, but it was lots of fun for all of those who attended. The last concert will be held August 27 and will be the Kagawong Folk Roots Collective.

The Providence Bay Village/Civic Square took a big step forward with grading of the site done by Calvin Pearson. Thank you for donating your hours of time and equipment, Calvin. There is still a lot of work to do and hopes for another work bee in late August, after the Fair. Donations for this wonderful community initiative can now be made at Buie’s LCBO, gas station and convenience store, as well as by contacting Matt Young at 5278 Highway 551 or call and leave a message at (705) 377-5695. Kerry (Cranston) and husband Steve Barclay have donated a tree in memory of John Cranston. The Patterson boys also donated a tree each for Colin and Mary Lou Patterson. Thanks to all who are contributing.

Providence House hosted an event for families and kids this past Sunday with guest author Joan Marie Galat who talked about ancient myths and astronomy and the wonders of the nigh sky to about 10 participants. Also, Author Gail Anderson-Dartz has a successful Writing Salon with 10 participants on Sunday morning. Stay tuned for future events.

Everyone is eagerly anticipating the 132nd Annual Providence Bay Fair. Come on every one, this is a wonderful time to show community spirit! Enter one of the contests, decorate a float or your bicycle, visit the ambassador contest, play cow patty bingo, watch the horse shows, enter the pie eating contest, bring your turtle for a race, or just go on some rides. But the point is: come out and have some fun. Visit www.providencebayfair.com and see this ad in this week’s paper.

There is a Community Craft Event today, Wednesday, August 19, at the Discovery Centre at 1 pm. Free for all kids!

An Historical Walk will be held on Tuesday, August 25 at 11 am with Lyle Dewar. Meet at the Discovery Centre.

Get well wishes and community thoughts go out to Murray McDermid and Don Burke, who recently has back surgery. Late get well wishes go out to Jackie Patterson who is recovering at home after a car accident.

Don Tonery was back to Providence Bay for a relaxing weekend filled with visits. Amber Bryan was up to visit her parents Glen and Mona. Raymond Smith and Claudine St. Pierre are here visiting along with Dana St. Pierre and their friends Jay, Joe and Terese from London.

Ken Niles will be greatly missed at the marina. He’s done his usual tremendous job this year and for the past few years with improvements he made to docking, parking and the overall appearance and functioning of the marina. The new dockmaster is Madeline. Please welcome her.


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