Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Providence Bay beach needs tender loving care

Providence Bay beach needs tender loving care


To the Expositor:

I would like to comment on the current state of the beach on Providence Bay. I am not looking for anyone to make changes to the beautiful dunes that have been forming over the past several years. I love the natural look of the area. In fact I refused to sign a petition that was circulating a few years ago asking that the beach be returned to the original state about 20 years ago—raked and plowed with white sand.

What I cannot understand is why the township would allow such a beautiful area to go untended year after year. Oh the area near the Interpretive Centre is nicely cared for but the rest of the beach is a mess. I cannot believe that you would allow this to continue. The township allots money for arenas and takes care of edging along the roads. What about one of the most beautiful natural areas on the Island? It would take no more effort to rake this beach than raking the sides of the road, which is being done. A summer student could be funded to take care of the beach, providing a summer job; there are many grants available.

As the population of this village ages and more and more young people leave, the volunteers who once kept it up are few…thus is the problem with local people starting to do the work of the township.

I am a summer visitor and consider it an honour to spend time here but I find myself apologizing for the beach on a regular basis. It is shameful. You have to walk around plastic bottles, boat garbage and many other hazards. I cannot even imagine children on this beach this year.

I hope others can agree and start a movement to have the township take some action!

Kathi Burke
North Bay and Providence Bay


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