Home News Headline Proposed subdivision on North Channel island divides Northeast council

Proposed subdivision on North Channel island divides Northeast council


16 cottage lots proposed

BAY OF ISLANDS—The Bay Islands Community Association (BICA) is calling for the Manitoulin Planning Board (MPB) to delay its decision regarding an application for a 16-lot subdivision on Ireson Island, calling for more consultation with area residents and environmental impact studies to be done. The Northeast Town carried a motion last Tuesday supporting BICA through a recommendation to the MPB to defer its decision regarding the subdivision application until July 2015.

Ireson Island is home to Island Lodge, which operated as a resort for many years in the Bay of Island, previously called the Mordolphton Lodge. If the MPB approves the subdivision, the designated area will be divided into 16 lots, while the applicants will retain the land containing the main lodge structure and accessory buildings.

On Tuesday, September 30, a public meeting was held at the MPB regarding Alan and Sylvia Van Wagner’s application to develop a 16-lot subdivision on Ireson Island.

There were many residents from the Bay of Islands present who voiced their concerns with the ‘short’ public notice they were given regarding the planning board meeting and who requested more time prior to the MPB making a decision on the application.

Gord Keatley, representing the applicant, responded to some of the concerns saying that all the lots would be a minimum of one acre. He also explained that eight of the lots already have structures therefore there would only be eight new cottages. As to the notification, he explained that the posting of the signs was completed as required (the board was advised that requirements under the Planning Act and Ontario Regulation 544/06 had been complied with). As well, according to the MPB minutes, Mr. Keatley noted that Mr. Van Wagner was happy to work with the BICA on studies and that the septic services would improve on the island as Jim Ferguson has improved his availability for regular pump outs and that a 16’ square area would accommodate approved septic systems.

“The general consensus was that the requests for additional time was considered appropriate and it was acknowledged that the minimum 14 days notice may not provide sufficient time for full responses to be received from interested parties. However, a delay of up to 10 months was not supported,” the MPB minutes explain.

It was also noted that the Northeast Town would not be reviewing the application until its regular meeting on October 7.

The MPB carried a motion to defer “further consideration of the application” until the next regular board meeting on October 28 in order to “provide the applicant an opportunity to attend and respond to concerns heard during the public meeting.”

Some of the concerns raised include improper public notice of the MPB meeting, the number and size of the proposed subdivision lots, the lack of residential representation on the issue due to the time of year (outside the cottage season) and outstanding questions concerning the sewage on the island.

At the October 7 Northeast Town council meeting, Bay of Islands resident (Red Deer Village) Raymond Gay made a deputation to council regarding the subdivision.

Mr. Gay explained that area residents were upset with the little notification they received and the fact that it was after many residents had left for the season.

“We are concerned with the 18 lots,” continued Mr. Gay. “Bay of Islands is a beautiful, natural area. It is low density, with mainly wilderness. We don’t want to see it become over populated like Parry Sound. We are also concerned with sewage on the island.”

Following the deputation, council discussed the application and were informed by town CAO Dave Williamson that they could send any comments or concerns they had to the planning board for their consideration.

“I think this was very short notice,” said Ward 1 (the Islands) Councillor Christina Jones. “I can’t support this when there hasn’t been enough time for everyone to be consulted. This should be dealt with when everyone (the seasonal residents of the Bay of Islands) are here.”

“I agree,” said Councillor Paul Skippen.” I would be willing to put a motion forward for the planning board to delay its decision until July.”

The motion was put on the table and was tied four to four, with Mayor Al MacNevin breaking the tie, voting in favour of the motion.

Town staff were directed to send a copy of the motion to the MPB, recommending that the MPB defer its decision regarding the subdivision application until July 2015 to allow for consultation with residents of the Bay of Islands.

The Expositor contacted BICA President Rick Sterne regarding the association’s official stance on the potential Ireson Island subdivision.

“We want the (MPB) decision to be postponed until next July so that neighbours have a chance to learn about the project and make comments,” explained Mr. Sterne. “According to the Planning Act they had to give notice to all property owners within 120 metres (which they did), but the problem is everyone is a lot further apart because everyone’s cottages are on islands.”

“The Bay of Islands is a low density populated area and 16 new cottage lots are a lot for our area,” continued Mr. Sterne. “We are concerned with maintaining the natural features of the area. We don’t know if the area can even sustain another 16 more cottages and if allowed, it would open door to more cottages.”

Mr. Stern also said the organization’s number one concern is sewage, noting, “that’s 16 new septic beds on solid rock. All the soil is going to have to be shipped in.”

“As well, the application outlines numerous parking spaces (on the mainland), but there is no commercial dock space in the area. There is a wait list, so how are all the new people going to get to their cottages?”

“We have hired a lawyer and are asking the MPB to delay development,” added Mr. Sterne. “We want studies from the Ministry of Health concerning the sewage systems, the Ministry of Environment about the impact of further development to the area and more consultation with residents.”

Mr. Stern said that the BICA had been in contact with the Georgian Bay Land Trust, making preliminary inquiries into the purchase of Ireson Island and returning it to its natural habitat.

“Our (BICA) board and the community is very concerned about this potential subdivision,” concluded Mr. Stern. “We are taking this very seriously. We intend to stay actively involved. We have a war chest (funds) built up for this type of project.”

Mr. Stern warned that the BICA would wait and see the results of the next MPB meeting, but that if necessary, they were prepared to take the matter (file an appeal) with the Ontario Municipal Board.



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