Home News Local Novelist discusses writing of historical fiction in Gore Bay

Novelist discusses writing of historical fiction in Gore Bay

Sudbury author Rosanna Micelotta Battigelli will be making a presentation on researching and writing historical fiction on May 5 at the Harbour Centre in Gore Bay.

 Rosanna Micelotta Battigelli presents La Brigantessa May 5

GORE BAY – Author Rosanna Micelotta Battigelli will share her perspectives on the writing of historical fiction during a book talk and reading on Sunday, May 5 at the Gore Bay Harbour Centre. The event runs from 1 to 3 pm and copies of her novel, ‘La Brigantessa,’ will be available for Mother’s Day gift giving.

This passionate and suspenseful story is based on the events that occurred in the aftermath of Italy’s Unification, a turbulent period known as The Decade of Fire (1860-1870). During that time, scores of brigands rebelled against the harsh policies of the new government. The outlaws and their supporters were hunted and punished. In the novel, a peasant girl named Gabriella is forced to flee her home under the protection of her parish priest after a frightening experience with a wealthy landowner. As readers, we follow her on her journey to find safe haven in a world where long-held values are turned upside down.

Reviewers have praised the novel as an engrossing love story and adventure with well drawn characters and fascinating depictions of Italian culture and customs. Readers are captivated by the visceral descriptions and the immediacy of the historical events that unfold in Gabriella’s world.

Rosanna Micelotta Battigelli was born in Calabria, Italy and immigrated to Canada with her family at three years of age. Sudbury residents are familiar with her work as a local educator and past president of the Sudbury Writers Guild. Manitoulin readers will remember her workshop on historical fiction at the Manitoulin Writers’ Retreat and her contributions to projects at the Manitoulin Writers’ Circle.

As most people understand, there are very few over night successes in the world of publishing; usually it takes many years of diligent professional development before an aspiring author makes a breakthrough. Rosanna Micelotta Battigelli serves as a positive role model for all struggling writers. Before Inanna Publications of Toronto accepted La Brigantessa and before she earned a three book contract from Harlequin UK, she built a firm foundation that would gradually yield rewards. For example, she studied at the Humber School for Writers and secured an Ontario Arts Council Works in Progress grant. In addition, she submitted her short fiction and memoirs to a variety of literary journals. As she continued to publish in anthologies and to establish rapport with influential mentors, she took time to research the history, landscapes and people of Calabria for the novel.

‘La Brigantessa’ is now in print and book lovers have a chance to meet the author and enjoy a question and answer session May 5. Who knows, they may see some echoes of our own turbulent times in Gabriella’s story. This event is sponsored by the Gore Bay Museum. For more information contact the Writers Circle at 705-282-1714.


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