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Northeast Town Council Notes


AOK roadwork

Town CAO Dave Williamson talked to council about a request from Pioneer Construction to do night work on a portion of Highway 540 by Aundeck Omni Kaning.

“The homeowners were notified by letter and I spoke to all but one personally to let them know our intentions and our reasoning,” stated a letter from Pioneer Construction to the Northeast Town council. “All homeowners that I spoke to were in favour of the 24 hour operation.”

Mr. Williamson explained that Pioneer Construction wants to work 24 hours a day on the project to finish it more quickly, which is why the homeowners affected were in favour of the proposal.

He added that council needed to comment as to whether they were okay with the proposal.

Council carried a motion stating that they had no concern with Pioneer Construction working 24 hour a day on the road project on Highway 540.

Automotive Materials Stewardship

Council reviewed a letter from Automotive Material Stewardship (AMS) about the start of the operation of an industry stewardship plan for the management of used oil filters, used oil containers, used antifreeze and its containers.

Mr. Williamson explained that Stewardship Ontario will no longer have any payment obligations to municipalities for the management of automotive materials and that it will now fall to AMS so the municipality needs to enter into an agreement with AMS in order to benefit.

Council carried a motion for the town to enter into an agreement with AMS.

Zoning amendment

Council reviewed a zoning bylaw amendment for 15 Worthington Street. The owner, Bryan Parkinson, wanted to change the use of his property from 75 percent residential 25 percent commercial, to 100 percent residential.

Council carried a motion to amend the bylaw to allow Mr. Parkinson to make the entire building residential, noting that more seniors housing was needed in the community.

Terry Fox Run

Martha McClew, provincial director for the Terry Fox Foundation, sent a letter to council requesting that the town grant Terry Fox Run organizers permission to use town areas (Low Island Park) and to solicit donations from local merchants.

The Northeast Town council carried a motion granting Terry Fox organizers to use municipal lands for the run.

Harbour View Road parking

Anita Hull, a resident of Harbour View Road, wrote council regarding parking along the road during Manitoulin Country Fest.

“As a summer resident of Harbour View Road, I have just one concern regarding Country Fest,” said Ms. Hull. “There were many vehicles parked on Harbour View Road, making it into a one lane road. This is concerning if EMS, the fire department or police have to access any homes or cottages in that area.”

Mr. Williamson said he had spoken with the organizers of Manitoulin Country Fest about solutions and that they were looking into options.

Council directed staff to continue to work with the organizers to rectify the problem.

New library board member

Council carried a motion to appoint Paula Hooper to the Little Current Library Board. In a letter to council, Ms. Hooper explained that she and her husband purchased a home and retired to Little Current in January 2016. She described herself as “an avid reader and life long learner who believes that public libraries play an essential role, particularly in smaller communities.”

Financial reports

Town Treasurer Sheryl Wilkin reviewed the financial reports with council. For accounts receivable taxes, Ms. Wilkin reported that there were $349,401.30 in payments in August. She noted that the next tax installment is due September 29.

For accounts receivable water/sewer, Ms. Wilkin reported that there were $33,760.15 made in payments last month. She noted that there were 28 accounts over the $400 limit at the time of the report, six due to penalty applied for August; in five cases arrangements had been made; and 17 account holders would be receiving disconnection letters.

Ms. Wilkin said that staff had been calling the account holders and working with them to arrange payments and that she hoped the efforts would reduce the amount of disconnection letters that would need to be mailed out.


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