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Northeast Town Council Notes


Recreation centre rate increase

Council carried a motion to approve a recommendation from the community services and public works committee to increase the Little Current Recreation Centre rates by two percent. Councillor Bill Koehler requested a recorded vote on the motion with Councillors Laurie Cook, Michael Erskine, Marcel Gauthier, Dawn Orr, Paul Skippen, Bruce Wood and Mayor MacNevin voted in favour of the increase, while Councillors Koehler and Melissa Peters voted against it.

“I’m opposing it because I feel the increase is too low,” said Councillor Peters.

“I’m opposing it because I feel it is too high,” added Councillor Koehler.

“I don’t like raising it, but small incremental increases to the rates is better than just leaving it and having to do a big raise,” said Councillor Erskine.

Speed reduction

Council carried a motion to amend Bylaw 2015-32 as amended in November 2016 to reduce the speed from 836 North Channel Drive to 80 Cedar Cove from 60 km/h to 20 km/h.

Meeting rescheduled

Council rescheduled the Tuesday, August 15 and Thursday, August 17 meetings to Tuesday, August 22, due to the mayor and a number of councillors being away at a conference.

Country Fest donation

The organizers of Manitoulin Country Fest, Kelly and Craig Timmermans wrote a letter to council stating that they were disappointed council had decided not to donate all the requested items from their deputation earlier in the summer.

In the letter, the Timmermans made it clear that Country Fest is a not-for-profit organization and asked council to reconsider the donation of the NIM bins and chairs.

Town CAO Dave Williamson responded to inquiries from council that the dollar value of the donation would equal $1,200 and would need to come from the town’s donation line.

Councillor Orr asked how much there was left in the donation budget. Mr. Williamson responded $730.

“I maintain that our donation budget is misnamed,” said Councillor Erskine. “We use those funds to make investments into the community and our ‘donation’ budget line is too low. I think this is a worthwhile investment into our community and has very good economic impact on our community—it helps employ youth and has positive economic impacts.”

Council carried a motion to donate $1,200 to Manitoulin Country Fest.

Pride Manitoulin

Council reviewed a letter from Pride Manitoulin requesting council approve the Pride parade route for August 20 at 11 am and permission to close the streets as the parade moves through town. The route will see the parade start at the Manitoulin Hotel and Conference Centre at Sim Street, continue down Water Street and end at the Little Current United Church on Robinson Street.

The group also asked that council consider adding one or two temporary rainbow crosswalks to downtown Little Current.

Mr. Williamson explained that he spoke with the manager of public works and that it would cost roughly $500 to paint one.

Councillor Koehler expressed concern with the legality of painting the crosswalk.

Councillor Erskine thought it was a great idea, but noted that time was tight for this year and suggested public works explores painting a cross walk for next year’s pride event.

Council carried a motion approving the parade route and closure of the streets for the parade.

Connecting link

Council carried a motion to support the Town of Espanola’s application for Connecting Link funding for Highway 6.


A number of councillors expressed that they have questions for the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) about the Northeast Town’s and the Island’s police coverage in general. Councillors were asked to submit their questions to staff and asked staff to contact the Manitoulin OPP staff sergeant to set up a deputation.

Land donation

Council carried a motion to accept the donation of Sheguiandah Town Plot 28 S/S Campbell Street Lot 17-18 and 20 from Barb Jordan and James Jordan.


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