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Northeast Town Council Notes


Council raises water and sewer rates

The Northeast Town council reviewed proposed increases to both the Sheguiandah and Little Current water rates, as well as Little Current sewer rates, carrying a motion to increase both rates by two percent.

“It’s unfortunate that we have to raise it, but we need to make sure we are covering costs,” said Councillor Bruce Woods.


MNR fire agreement amended

Town CAO Dave Williamson reviewed with council a staff recommendation to amend the municipality’s fire protection agreement with the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR). He explained that currently the agreement includes all of the municipality, but that as the municipality’s new insurance policy covers any area that the town’s fire department can reach (in terms of bush fires), the town only needs to have an agreement with the MNR to cover Ward 1 (the islands).

Through the change, the town will save over $12,000. “I would just like to say good job to the staff on realizing these savings,” commented Councillor Marcel Gauthier.

Council carried a motion to amend the MNR agreement.


Council supports Manitoulin Horse Club

After reviewing a letter from the Manitoulin Horse Club, the Northeast Town council carried a motion for the club to host four events at the Little Current horse ring located behind the recreation centre.

“The club has done upgrades to the ring through adding sand and other repairs at their own cost last year,” said Councillor Bill Koehler. “They host good events and bring people out. I would support this.”

Councillor Gauthier added that the Manitoulin Horse Club adds to Haweater Weekend through one of their horse shows at the Little Current ring.

“I think it’s a wonderful addition to things in our community and I will also support this,” added Councillor Michael Erskine.

A motion was carried to grant the club permission to use the ring to hold up to four shows.


Northeast Town joins Town of Minto in opposing hydro increase

The Northeast Town council reviewed a letter from the Town of Minto looking for support in calling on Premier Wynne to take “immediate action to prevent hydro rate increases from being implemented.”

The resolution forwarded from the Town from Minto points out that the province’s recently released long term plan anticipates that consumers will face hydro rates that will rise by 42 percent over the next five years.

Councillor Erskine said he felt that even if the Northeast Town carried a similar motion, little could be done to change the expected hydro increase.

“I don’t agree,” responded Councillor Koehler. “If more people stand up to this bull crap, then maybe someone at Queen’s Park will start to listen.”

Council carried a motion to support the Town of Minto’s resolution.


Week of October 12-18 declared English as a Second Language Week

The Northeast Town council carried a motion to declare the week of October 12-18, 2014 as ‘English as a Second Language Week.’

“We don’t have a large population of individuals who speak English as a second language, but this is a good motion to support,” said Mayor Al MacNevin.


Community services and public works reports

Reid Taylor delivered the community services report to committee. He noted that the ice season was closing that evening, but that it had been a good season.

“We had four main user groups this winter including Skate Canada, the Manitoulin Panthers, Little Current Minor Hockey and Manitoulin Secondary School hockey,” explained Mr. Taylor. “We also had five adult recreation hockey rentals per week, hosted many pubic skates and five tournament and skating events. The extended ice season attracted rentals form all over the Island and was well received.”

As for this April at the recreation centre, Mr. Taylor said that Northeast Town soccer registration had been held, as had minor lacrosse and that the recreation centre would be continuing to host Sea Cadets and ballet programs.

“The third annual Litter Blitz event will be held on Sunday, April 27 from 1 to 3 pm,” continued Mr. Taylor, noting the event will start at the information centre and follow along the linear waterfront trail ending at Low Island where there will be a barbecue.

Mr. Taylor added that Spider Bay Marina will open on Friday, May 16 and that the downtown docks would be installed as weather permits.

Gary May reported on the public works department for March/April. He said that in terms of roads, “crews have been busy steaming culverts and storm drains.”

“The frost is starting to leave causing culverts to move and surfaces to break in spots,” he continued. “Patching is being done as needed and grading will start next week.”

Mr. May was pleased to report to council that the new steamer had arrived and that staff will start training this week. He also reported that the new trackless would be arriving this week.


Building controls report

Brock Sanftenberg delivered the building controls report to committee. He said that “to date we have issued seven permits with a value to $37,000.”

He added that follow up inspections are being conducted and that “numerous inquiries regarding building permits are being answered.”

He concluded that parking is being monitored and tickets issued as required.


Fire report

Northeast Town Fire Chief Darren Bailey reviewed the March/April fire report with committee. He went over the month’s calls including a response to medical call on March 21, a Water Street fire alarm on March 29 and again on March 31 and a CO alarm call on Mill Street on April 5.


Town prioritizes rural project

Based on recommendations from the Rural Community Services Advisory Committee (CSAC), the Northeast Town council reviewed and prioritized the rural projects for town staff to look into.

Making the top of the list was work to the Government Dock in Sheguiandah. Second was the installation of stairs by the fish ladder is Sheguiandah, followed by a rest area at Limekiln Road, work on the archeological site, a picnic area at Bay Estates, the removal of weeds by the beach in Sheguiandah and the addition of dry fire hydrants.

After council prioritized the projects, Mayor MacNevin explained that staff would now begin work to see if funding was available and what future steps would have to be taken for each.


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