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Northeast Town Council Notes


Fire Department report

Fire Chief Darren Bailey reviewed the November report with the community services and public works committee at its last meeting.

“There was a fire alarm at Manitoulin Health Centre on October 30,” said Fire Chief Bailey of the calls for service, “and a motor vehicle accident on Highway 6 south on November 8 and on Honora Bay Road on November 15.”

He also reported that the department took part in first aid training on November 14 and 15 and that the apparatus and equipment was in good working order.

Councillor Marcel Gauthier commended the fire chief and the department on their dedication, taking weekends away from their families for training.

Community services and public works 

Reid Taylor presented the community services and public works report to the committee.

“Things are in full swing at the arena,” said Mr. Taylor. “The ice is being used well. User group are continuing their programs at the recreation centre such as ballet, martial arts, Sea Cadets and fitness class.”

Mr. Taylor reported that hockey, figure skating and CanSkate programs are continuing at the arena and that the winter walking program will start soon.

“Building winterization is completed at the marina and docks are secured at Spider Bay and are being monitored until freeze up,” said Mr. Taylor. “The parks and outdoor spacing building winterization is also complete and will be monitored throughout the winter.”

Mr. Taylor added that the Christmas vendor sale at the Centennial Museum of Sheguiandah was held on Wednesday, November 25 from 7 to 9 pm and that the Santa Claus Parade will be held on Saturday, December 5 in Little Current.

Ian Phillips went through the public works report with the committee. He said that ditching cleaning and culvert replacing is finished on Honora Bay Road and that Grading on roads has been done before they froze up.

He also reported that tree removal has been done throughout the municipality where necessary.

“The equipment is in good working order and we are ready for winter operations,” continued Mr. Phillips. “The culverts are being installed on Lagoon Road for the Howland Drain and J.J. Pole Line is working on street light changeouts to LED (currently 50 percent done, Mr. Williamson clarified).

Mr. Phillips concluded that several staff members would be taking a snowplow operator refresher course this month.

Building controls

The community services and public works committee looked over the building controls report for November. The  report summarized that there was a total of 56 permits year-to-date with a total building permit revenue of $70,707.24. The total value of construction to date is $5,382,032.

McClay Subdivision

Council carried a motion to pass a bylaw changing the area of the future McClay Subdivision from agricultural and rural to shoreline residential and shoreline residential holding.

No concern with application

Council reviewed an application for consent from the planning board by Kendal Farwell.

CAO Dave Williamson explained that the application was to make a right of way official and that the neighbour in the situation had no objections.

Council carried a motion that they had “no comment or concern” with the application and that the motion be forwarded to the Manitoulin Planning Board.

 Property insurance 

Mr. Williamson informed council that they had only one bid for the property insurance, which was from Knox Worldwide Insurance for $108,180 plus HST. Mr. Williamson told council that it was comparable to last year’s rate. Council carried a motion to accept the tender and a three-year term that was offered from Knox Insurance on the condition that the rates do not increase more than 15 percent.

Council donates to Christmas baskets

Council carried a motion to donate $200 to the Manitoulin Family Resources 2015 Christmas Food Basket Drive.

Airport report

The Northeast Town council’s representative on the East Municipal Airport Commission, Councillor Gauthier, reviewed the airport report with council.

He was proud to report that all but one hangar had been rented. He also noted that the revenues have been good, but that due to an insurance increase the commission would have to review its budget.

Community Policing Advisory Committee

Councillor Bruce Woods presented council with the Community Policing Advisory Committee (CPAC) report.

Councillor Dawn Orr questioned the police presence on the Chi-Cheemaun ferry, as noted in the report.

Councillor Woods explained that the Manitoulin Detachment had an officer on the Chi-Cheemaun at the beginning of the season with a booth set up letting visitors know about speed checks and encouraging them to follow the speed limit during their visit.

“It went really well and they plan on doing it again next season,” said Councillor Woods.

Councillor Gauthier asked Councillor Woods to speak to CPAC about the OPP being more visible on Northeast Town dump days (Tuesdays and Saturdays during the winter) as he has noticed people not properly strapping down their garbage which has resulted in dangerous debris along Highway 6.


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