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Northeast Town Council Notes


Road allowance requests

The Northeast Town council carried a motion to direct staff to “stop up, close and sell a portion of public road not travelled, being described as that portion of the Water Street Road allowance immediately beneath the building located at 1 Water Street West, under the following conditions: the property in question must be added as a lot addition to the adjacent property; easements must be provided to enable access to any infrastructure within the portion of the road allowance being transferred; all costs associated with the stop up, close and transfer are borne by the property owner, including advertising and all legal fees associated with this transaction; that the costs be established at $1 per square foot in addition to all other costs; and all other terms and conditions of the stop up an close policy in effect on the date of property transfer shall apply.”

Council went in camera to discuss another road allowance request and when council came out of camera, carried a motion to direct staff to initiate the process to stop up, close and sell a portion of public road not travelled, known as 3 Water Street and being described as Part 4 31R3214, as per the attached survey and under the following conditions: the property in question must be added as a lot addition to the adjacent property; a letter of agreement from any mortgage holder who has self-identified with the municipality; easements must be provided to enable access to any infrastructure within the portion of the road allowance being transferred; all costs associated with the stop up, close and transfer are borne by the property owner, including advertising and all legal fees associated with this transaction; that the cost be established at $1.00 per square foot in addition to all other costs; and all other terms and conditions in the stop up and close policy in effect on the date of property transfer shall apply.”

Municipal drinking water

Council carried a motion moved by Councillor Bill Koehler and seconded by Councillor Paul Skippen to approve the new five-year financial plan for the 2016 Municipal Drinking Water Licence Renewal.

Poppy Week

The Northeast Town council proclaimed October 30 to November 11 as Poppy Week, “asking that all citizens pay tribute to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom by wearing a poppy during this period.”

Jobs for Youth

Council reviewed a letter from the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board (DSB) regarding the changes to the Jobs for Youth Program that provided 111 youth with work experience this past summer.

“The program has been drastically reduced to only 7-8 jobs for youth now on Manitoulin,” commented Mayor Al MacNevin.

Council supported a motion made by Councillor Michael Erskine and seconded by Councillor Dawn Orr to send a letter to Premier Kathleen Wynne to restore the funding for the summer job program.

June Callwood volunteer award

The Northeast Town council nominated the Little Current volunteers the Community Gardens Group for the June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism.

Fire Department report

Northeast Town Fire Department Chief Darren Bailey presented council with the October fire report. He explained to council that there were three calls for service in October including a hydro pole fire on September 19 on Hwy 540, a fire alarm at Little Current Public School on October 2 and a motor vehicle accident on Highway 6 south. Fire Chief Bailey also reported that the department equipment and apparatus is in good working order and that the team is gearing up for cold weather responses.

Community services

Reid Taylor reviewed the community services and public works report with council. He reported that the ice is being used at the recreation centre and that user groups are continuing their programs such as ballet, martial arts, sea cadets and fitness classes.

“Staff are completing maintenance tasks daily and minor hockey has started,” said Mr. Taylor.

As for the marina, Mr. Taylor told council that building winterization has started and that the marina is closed for the season.

“For parks and outdoor recreation, building winterization has also started and we are finishing parks and building closures,” added Mr. Taylor


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