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Northeast Town Council Notes


Council awards public works garage tender

At a special meeting of the Northeast Town late last month, council reviewed and awarded the tender for the Little Current public works garage. The tender was awarded to Sheppard Custom Builders, who had the lowest bid.

Council carried a motion stating that the Northeast Town, “accepts the tender from Sheppard Custom Building Limited in the amount of $593,261 plus HST and authorizes further expenditure of $273,650 to provide for in-floor heating and upgrades. Further that, $273,650 will be withdrawn form the working capital reserve account to cover the additional expenses.”


Council authorizes installation of new water service

The Northeast Town council reviewed a request for water hookup to two Red Mill Road properties from Allan Boyd and Bruce Burnett.

Council authorized the installation of a new water service to the lot line between lots 25 and 27 on Red Mill Road.


Little Current to host 2015 Pan Am flame

Council learned last month that the Northeast Town had been selected as a celebration community to host the Pan Am flame as part of the Toronto 2015 Torch Relay next June.

“This is fantastic,” said Councillor Dawn Orr. “This will be great for the community.”

“It is an honour that they are asking us,” added Councillor Marcel Gauthier.

Council carried a resolution authorizing the mayor and CAO to sign a memorandum of understanding with TO2015 for the Pan American Games Torch Relay.


Rockville couple upset with road resurfacing

Council received a letter from Grant and Monique Duncan regarding the treatment and resurfacing of the roadway in front of their Rockville Road home in August. The letter outlines in detail the gravel dust that occurred from the resurfacing and the effects on their home and Mr. Duncan’s asthma.

The letter goes on to note in great detail the calls to councillors and the town office regarding the dust and how the town was unable to address the issue, other than to send out the town water truck to water the road twice.

The Minister of Labour Kevin Flynn, Minister of Transportation Steven DelDuca and Algoma-Manitoulin MPP Michael Mantha were all forwarded copies of the same letter.

Town CAO Dave Williamson addressed the letter, explaining that town had sent the water truck out to Rockville Road twice due to the Duncans concerns as well as posting a ‘reduce speed’ sign.

“They had requested that we send the water truck a couple times a day, but that was just not possible,” explained Mr. Williamson. “Staff did everything they could do to accommodate the concern. We even received a call from Mr. Mantha’s office regarding this issue and explained what we had done to alleviate the problem.”

Council agreed that town staff had done the best they could in the situation and that dust was a result of roads being resurfaced.


Northeast Town Fire Department report

Town Fire Chief Darren Bailey presented the August fire report to the Northeast Town council last month. The report outlined a grass fire on Wilson Street on July 19, a garage fire on Blake Street West on July 23, a home fire on Townline Road on August 4, a motor vehicle accident on Highway 540 and Honora Bay Road on August 4, a garage fire on Blake Street West on August 5, a garage and bush fire at Ten Mile Point on August 6 and a large structure fire on Campbell Street West on August 7.

“We have had 42 calls for service to date (2014),” said Chief Bailey, “and apparatus and equipment is in good working order.”


Community services and public works

Reid Taylor delivered the community services and public works report to council for August. In terms of the recreation centre, he noted that maintenance and repairs were going well to prepare for upcoming events and the ice season.

“Capital upgrades are in progress and the ice plant starts September 2,” added Mr. Taylor.

As for the marina, “the service dock is busy on weekdays and very busy on weekends and in general, both marinas have been very busy this month.”

“We reached capacity five nights this season downtown,” continued Mr. Taylor. “Staff are completing maintenance tasks when not servicing boats.”

Lastly, Mr. Taylor reported that the Haweater events “went over very well once again.” He also said that all the parks and outdoor washroom facilities are being maintained regularly, as are the parks and playgrounds.

Gary May said that surface treatment had been completed on Harbour Vue Road, Robinson Street, White’s Point Road, Rockville Road, Bidwell Road and Limekiln Corner—a total of 9 km.

“We are patching and grading as required,” added Mr. May. “Culvert replacing is to start shortly with a few in town and at Bass Lake Corner.”

He also reported that the town’s Bomag (refuse compactor) is out of service and the new snowplow truck is off the assembly line and ready to have harnessing installed.


Building controls report

Brock Sanftenberg presented council with the August building controls and bylaw enforcement report.

“To date the (building controls) department has issued 40 building permits with an estimated construction value of over two million,” said Mr. Sanftenberg. “As for bylaw enforcement, parking is being monitored and tickets issued on violation. Low Island Park is being patrolled for dogs being off leash.”


Honora Bay road gets Children at Play sign

The Northeast Town council received and reviewed a letter from Dora Charlebois-Hews and David Hews regarding a ‘Children at Play’ sign on Bay Street in Honora Bay.

The couple explained that they had three signs made warning people to be aware of children playing for the safety of their grandchildren and asked council permission to post the signs.

Mr. Williamson explained to council that signs have to meet certain requirements, and that the town would have to install a standard ‘Children at Play’ sign, if council wished to meet the request.

Council carried a motion authorizing town staff to install a sign on Bay Street.


Northeast Town council explores options for Sheguiandah Anglican Church

Northeast Town council explored suggestions from councillors and community members regarding Saint Peter’s Anglican Church in Sheguiandah and the possible construction of a replica church featuring the church’s bell, pews and stained glass windows built on the Centennial Museum of Sheguiandah grounds.

After the issue was brought forward by Councillor Melissa Peters, supported by Councillor Dawn Orr and Christina Jones, Mayor Al MacNevin explained that there is no money in the 2014 budget for the project, but that the issue could be brought up again for discussion during council’s 2015 budget discussions. Mayor MacNevin also requested that Councillor Orr, council representative on the museum advisory committee, bring the project idea back to the committee for its consideration.


Council declares September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Dayna Caruso of Northern Ontario Families of Children with Cancer made a deputation to council earlier this month requesting that council proclaim September Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

Council also decided to post the flag for the month, encouraging residents to wear the colour gold in support.

As well, council carried a motion to donate $200 to Northern Ontario Families of Children with Cancer.


Silver Birches Resort granted billboard approval

The Northeast Town granted permission to Cheryl Opolko of Silver Birches Resort to erect a billboard on her property just off of Highway 540, advertising the resort.



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