Home News Local Municipalities will see a 1.13 percent increase in District Services Board budget

Municipalities will see a 1.13 percent increase in District Services Board budget


ESPANOLA—Municipalities within the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board (DSB) will see an increase in its share of the 2019 budget.
“The board approved the 2019 budget at our meeting (last week),” said Fern Dominelli, CAO of the DSB, after the regular board meeting. “The budget had been approved in principle by the previous board (in November 2018) and then went to the new board for its consideration.”

The budget sees a $116,604 dollar increase in the municipal share, or 1.13 percent of an increase, said Mr. Dominelli. 

As was released previously, the overall DSB budget increase for 2019 is slated at 4.48 percent or $1,610,658. The 2018 budget saw a decrease of 0.8 percent, while in 2017 there was a 0.4 percent increase, and a 1.5 percent increase in 2016.

For the 2019 budget, “Ontario Works costs has gone up $13,800 because of the additional funding we were provided, while the municipal children’s services share of costs gone up zero percent this year. As well, the municipality’s share of the social housing budget has gone up $9,275, while EMS paramedic services has increased by $93,529, due to a 1.25 percent increase.”


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