Home News Local MSS tennis doubles teams qualify for provincial high school championship

MSS tennis doubles teams qualify for provincial high school championship


M’CHIGEENG—Both the Manitoulin Secondary School (MSS) girls’ and boys’ tennis doubles teams have qualified for the Ontario championship.

The team of Aspen Debassige and Zee Toulouse took second place in the girls’ doubles division at the Northern Ontario Secondary School Association (NOSSA) championship, held in Sudbury last Friday, to qualify for the provincials.

The Mustangs team finished third overall at NOSSA. In the boys’ singles division, Andrew Rose finished fourth, as did Zoe Redmond in the girls’ singles division.

In the mixed doubles division Avery Sheppard and Garrett Sheppard (who were filling in for the team of Abby Hawke and Eli Lock) finished in third place.

The boys’ doubles division saw the team of Brett Mastelko and Trent Bell place third. They will move on to the provincials, as another team has backed out of the competition.

Aspen and Zee as well as Brett and Trent will be taking part in the provincial championships taking place in Toronto May 30-31.


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