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MSS Kids in the Halls


First semester is officially over today! Also, it is Groundhog Day! I wonder if there will be six more weeks of winter or an early spring. As per usual, we will be seeing snow for a while longer either way. 

A groundhog joke for you: Why is it so annoying to watch TV with Punxsutawney Phil? He always hogs the remote.

Last Wednesday, January 26, students had a “cold day.” Due to the frigid weather, buses were cancelled in the morning but ran in the afternoon.

Tomorrow, Thursday, February 3, is being classified as a ‘turn around’ day and Friday, February 4 is a PD (Professional Development) Day. Students do not have to go to school either Thursday or Friday which means they have a four-day weekend!

Second semester begins on Monday, February 7. The schedule for the semester will look a little different than the first semester. We are returning to four class periods a day like it was in pre-COVID-19 times. This switch was announced by the Rainbow District School Board (RDSB) on Monday, January 24. 

Manitoulin Secondary School’s virtual Grade 8 student, parent and guardian information night will be held on Thursday, February 10 at 6:30 pm. This session will be held via a Google Meet. The meet link (on Thursday, February 10) and more information can be found on the MSS website, https://manitoulin.rainbowschools.ca/. 

The 2022 Snowmobile Fun Run is coming up on Friday, February 18. It will begin at MSS at 9 am and snowmobilers will ride the Gore Bay, Providence Bay, M’Chigeeng loop. For additional information, please contact Mr. Davy at 705-368-7000 or davya@rainbowschools.ca. COVID-19 protocols will be in place as per the requirements and recommendations from the local health unit and RDSB.

A few select sports, like volleyball, are starting back up after school. Late buses will run on Tuesdays and Thursdays, providing that enough students sign up for them. Students must sign up on the Google Form before 12:20 pm on those two days.

Joke of the week: Winters are fierce in the north, so the construction project owner decided to do a good deed and buy earmuffs for his foreman. The owner noticed the foreman wasn’t wearing the earmuffs the next week, even though it was cold. So, the owner asked, “Didn’t you like the muffs?” The foreman said, “They’re a thing of beauty.” “So why don’t you wear them?” the owner asked. The foreman explained, “I was wearing them the first day, and somebody offered to buy me lunch, but I didn’t hear him! Never again, never again!”

Upcoming events include a PD Day, four-day weekend, start of second semester, virtual Grade 8 information night and the snowmobile fun run.

Until the next time, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve!”


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