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MSS Kids in the Halls


Students’ Council has been hard at work trying to keep away the winter blahs that are much too late in the year. This spring’s session of SpyMaster will be starting on April 12. Sign-ups were available until Tuesday, when students were able to choose their spyname and get their picture taken for the target envelopes. The students and teachers who paid the two dollars to get into the game are looking forward to the start with anticipation. 

A committee of Students’ Council members is also organizing the Grade 8 Shadow Day. The new opportunity for Grade 8 students to see the school will take place on May 23. Grade 8s will come to MSS, play ice breakers with their future peers and then get paired up with a senior student from the highschool in grade 10 or 11. The Grade 8s will then attend second period classes with their partner and get a feel for how the school day works at MSS. 

The Students’ Council Executive agrees that, “it is important for future Grade 9s to feel like they can approach anyone in the school if they need help. We don’t want them to be afraid of the senior students, so this is a good chance for them to meet future school leaders.”

The Spring Grad Dance preparations are underway as Students’ Council begins collecting decorations and making plans for the masquerade-themed dance. The dance will take place from 7-11 pm on May 25, giving attendees lots of time to dance with their friends before late buses arrive to take them home. Tickets are $8 a person or $12 a couple. 

The MSS badminton team travelled to Elliot Lake on Thursday, April 5 for their Pre-NSSSA tournament with coach Dave Robinson. The team this year consists of AJ Vankesteren, Ethan Closs and Maddy Madahbee playing Boys’ Senior Singles; Josh Robinson with Will Hutchinson and Pierre Debassige with Carter Stoneypoint playing Boys’ Senior Doubles; Boston Thibault playing Boys’ Junior Singles; Dream Saunders playing Girls’ Junior Singles; Shaylee Taylor with Morgan Wall playing Girls’ Junior Doubles; Connor Phillips with Rachel Sheppard playing Mixed Junior Doubles; Nathan Temple and Dylan Corbiere playing Boys’ Midget Singles; Jake Robinson with Owen Duncanson playing Boys’ Midget Doubles; Darci Debassige playing Girls’ Midget Singles; Ayriell Nodecker with Bailey Yaschuck playing Girls’ Midget Doubles; and Joe Graham with Haylee Cress playing Mixed Midget Doubles. The team will be travelling back to Elliot Lake on Wednesday, April 11 for the actual NSSSA tournament. 

Mr. Theijsmeijer is taking a group of 15 MSS choir members to Sudbury for the Kiwanis Music Competition. The competition was originally on April 4, but due to an inclement weather day the organization rescheduled. The group will be singing two songs: ‘Put On Your Sunday Clothes’ from the movie Wall-e and ‘Colours of the Wind’ from the movie Pocahontas. There is only one other team performing in the same division as the MSS choir- Sudbury Secondary School Choir. Some teams are invited to perform during the festival following the competition. The Mustangs will be heading to St. Andrew’s Church in Sudbury on Monday, April 9. 

The Ontario Secondary School Literacy test took place on Tuesday, April 10. The test is a graduation requirement and students need 75 percent to pass.  The students writing this year were able to access new opportunities, including requesting extended time if needed. The Life Skills class organized snacks and juice boxes to give an energy boost to those writing. Literacy Program Leader Ms. Bauer said, “The whole goal of the day is to provide a calm, positive atmosphere for those writing so they can perform their best.”

Despite the late winter weather, MSS won’t let that stop the spring activities. ‘Til next time, stay golden, Mustangs.


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