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MSS Kids in the Halls


It’s the day after Valentine’s Day. For all of those who dread the holiday, you’ve made it through and now it’s time to celebrate with some discounted cinnamon hearts! And for the people that love Valentine’s Day, you only have to wait another 364 days!

Love was certainly in the air at MSS thanks to the robotics team and student council. Throughout the past week, the student council sold candygrams for one dollar each. Candygrams are notes with candy attached that students can purchase to give to their friends. Purchased candygrams were handed out to the buyer’s friends by student council members on Tuesday, February 14. The notes were funny, thoughtful, and sometimes anonymous. All the proceeds from the candygrams go towards supporting up-and-coming student council events.

The robotics team had a small change of plans for their Valentine’s Day activities. It changed from a soup sale to a bake sale! Many volunteers brought in sweets to spread the love and help out the robotics team. Students were able to buy cupcakes, brownies, cookies and much more to give to their friends or significant others. Proceeds from this bake sale are going towards purchasing carbon offsets to make the robotics team and the school more environmentally friendly.

Speaking of fundraisers, the Athletics Association is holding one to support their sports endeavours. They are selling Burt’s Farm pepperettes for six dollars a package! Purchases can be made at https://rainbowschools.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/19480/224/False/True.

The SHARE/Go Green club is starting the Ninja Challenge. The Ninja Challenge encourages students to try and get down the hallways without turning on the motion sensor lights while going to the bathroom during class. This challenge is part of the school board’s Energy Reduction Contest. They will total the school’s average monthly energy consumption and then see how much it is reduced by this month. The school with the lowest drop in energy consumption wins! SHARE/Go Green has emailed teachers on how to conserve energy and will be looking at classrooms to see if there are ways energy can be saved.

SHARE/Go Green is also looking for two volunteers to collect recycling from classrooms before school so it doesn’t end up in our landfills. This is a great opportunity for volunteer hours, especially for students passionate about the environment. Students interested can speak to Ms. Bauer, Mr. Theijsmeijer, or Ms. Freeman.

That is all for this week, folks! I hope everyone has a lovely rest of their week.

Until next time, go Mustangs, go!


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