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MPP Mike Mantha says ministry taking measures to address concerns raised with road conditions


MANITOULIN—While Algoma-Manitoulin MPP Michael Mantha can understand the frustration that Manitoulin residents are having with the resurfacing of highways and roads around Island, the Ministry of Transportation has indicated that they are taking measures to address concerns that have been raised and that work will soon be completed.

“Absolutely, I understand the frustration people are expressing with the road conditions and the building of new roads,” MPP Mantha said last week. “And people are frustrated with the work being a quick fix solution, which doesn’t include asphalt, but tar and chip which deteriorates quicker, (which was carried out on roads a couple of years ago and didn’t last). They are also frustrated with roads being left in conditions where the pulverizing of the old surface is leaving large chunks of materials on the side of roads, causing dangerous driving conditions with damage done to windshields, shock absorbers, and tires. Local residents have also been patient, even though the work is taking longer than had been anticipated.”

“I have been assured by the MTO the grading will be done by the end of this weekend, and calcium dust control and spraying will be done on the highways to cut  down on dust,” stated MPP Mantha, “and that everything on Manitoulin Island should be completed by August 15.” He explained the roads are to be topped and packed in and then are to be sprayed and packed a second time. The roads will cure over 30 days and then a sweeper will clean the leftovers and residue off the road.”

In a letter posted on Facebook last week, MPP Mantha gave an update of the resurfacing of Highway 542 and Highway 551, “my office continues to deal with ongoing concerns and complaints of the resurfacing of roads on Manitoulin Island. Please feel free to contact my team, we will try to help as best as we can and address your issues promptly.”

“MTO has provided an update with a completion date of August 15 for all the roads,” wrote MPP Mantha. He explained the MTO has been contacted to address the hazardous road conditions and further updates will follow as they are provided to his office.

Mr. Mantha also told The Expositor, “I also provided a website where people can submit a claim to the MTO for damages to their vehicles because of the work that is being carried out. The MTO will consider any valid claim.”

“If you have a valid road liability claim, you may submit a claim with information, including date, time and location of loss and nature of the property damage to these online or mailing addresses: Ministry of Government and Consumer Services Ontario Shared Services Risk Management and Insurance Services Branch, 222 Jarvis Street, 7th floor, Toronto M7A OB6, phone 416-314-3445, and fax number 416-314-34444,” wrote MPP Mantha.

“Submitting a claim for damage does not imply that you will necessarily receive compensation, but the claim will be thoroughly reviewed and a response will be provided. The instructions for submissions via mail, fax and online are located on the form.

The MTO is currently undertaking rehabilitation work on several stretches of highway on Manitoulin Island. This work is taking place on the following sections: from the intersection of Highways 542/551, north for 3.1 kilometres; from the intersection of Highways 542/541 easterly 2.0 kilometres to Monument Road; from Mindemoya town limits easterly for 3.0 kilometres towards Big Lake; the junction of Highway 540/542 (OPP station)-southerly for 2.82 kilometres; Four O Two Road southerly for 4.1 kilometres and Silver Bay Road westerly for 2.65 kilometres.


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