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MHC Auxiliary News


Yard sale, book sales, parade float, coin boxes, June dinner, just read on!

For the last two years, Auxiliary meetings have been mainly by teleconference provided by the Manitoulin Health Centre. Thank you for the means and opportunity to continue to assess on-going activities, make plans for the future and hear the voices of our members in discussions. Perhaps, by September we will be able to hold an in-person meeting.

The focus of the last two meetings include reports on present and future activities, elections and other Auxiliary news.

Our condolences are extended to the family of Madeleine Charlton who passed away on April 4, 2022. We lost a dedicated, knowledgeable member who was always eager to lend a hand. Madeleine had a great impact on the whole community serving others in various capacities.

Congratulations to the senior executive team at MHC. Paula Fields is the CEO and Paula Ferguson is vice-president of clinical services as well as the chief nursing officer. We look forward to a great working relationship with the same objective of enhancing patient services.

Fundraising has been a challenge over the last two years. However, we continued with regular sources. Collections from coin boxes are doing very well. Thank you for your participation. A decision was made to purchase 10 more boxes to extend the potential for fundraising at other businesses. Call Carole Labelle at 705-368-3376 for more information. In Memoriam donations have declined substantially. Donations can be made at the funeral home or at Admitting at the hospital. Please specify MHC Auxiliary. The showcase\tuck cart display case is continuing but at a slower pace since the tuck cart room is closed.

Thanks to those who support our efforts by buying from the showcase.

In April, the annual meeting was held in addition to the regular meeting. Elections were held for the executive. President is Dawn Orr; Vice-President is Carole Labelle; Treasurer is Marilee Hore; and Secretary is Debbie Heise.

Thanks are extended to the executive for their diligence and professionalism in representing the Auxiliary to the public in trying times. Representatives were appointed. Membership, Linda Diebolt; In Memoriam, Myra Henderson; Goodwill, Linda Diebolt; Coin Boxes and Facebook, Carole Labelle; Showcase\Tuck Cart, Dawn Orr and Laila Kiviaho; Headsets, Care Bags and Book Sales, Laila Kiviaho. Thank you for your leadership as you continue to inspire efforts for fundraising for patient services.

The president, Dawn Orr presented her report. She spoke about upheaval as a result of curtailment of avenues of fundraising activities due to the pandemic crisis. Regardless of the hurdles in our path, we managed to raise funds. She expressed thanks to the members for their stick-to-it attitude in these circumstances. Objectives were met; patient services continued. Some of the achievements were the provision of water on the nursing floor, Christmas gifts for patients, baby\mother gifts were given to the New Year’s baby and mom, two bursaries were given to graduating high school students. As well, to recognize the faithful efforts of staff at the hospital a gift card and a personalized Christmas card was given to each one.

Future plans are book sales at the NEMI Farmers’ Market on Saturdays from 9 am to 12 noon beginning June 4 and continuing till October 8: call Laila 705-368-2580 to schedule drop off of donations. Yard sale on July 16 at the United Church from 9 am to 3 pm.

Call Debbie (705-368-3044) or Dawn (705-368 2608) for information: June dinner meeting is on June 9 at 6 pm at the Manitoulin Hotel and Conference Centre. Call Marilee at 705-368-2750. No details are available for the parade float.

Members were invited to the hospital during Volunteer Week for a meeting with the senior management team of Paula Fields and Paula Ferguson. The efforts of the Auxiliary were recognized and sincere thanks were expressed. Each member was given a beautiful Martha Washington geranium. May we grow and bloom like the geranium. The colours were varied just as our interests and talents are different. As an Auxiliary may we bring something beautiful to others by our efforts.


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