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MHC Auxiliary News


The Manitoulin Health Centre auxiliary had its first meeting of the new year on Tuesday, January 9. Happy New Year to all our readers. We wish to thank everyone who purchased an ornament for the in memoriam tree.

We have had our New Year’s baby—a little girl—congratulations to mom and babe. Exciting happenings are going on, first we are having a luncheon at the Little Current Anglican Church on February 10 at 11:30 am to 1 pm. For only $10 you get chili, homemade bun and dessert. So come out and warm up. Next don’t forget we will be having our famous casserole dinner on March 23 at the Little Current United Church. 

Since our last report we have given the hospital a whopping $25,000 to go towards the telemetry units. These are very important to keep us all safe while in the hospital, keep an eye on our hearts among other areas of our body. We gave out two bursaries at the school, congratulations to the male student and female student as they continue their education. We had the pleasure of delivering hand tied fleece blankets to the patients on Christmas Day. What a thrill that was, to witness them opening their present. Lots of fun.

Did you hear the news? We are no longer allowed to smoke on hospital grounds, not even in our car if parked on hospital property. Not sure yet when this is taking place but start now before it becomes law. This is from the government, not the hospital, so don’t be upset with our hospital. If we don’t comply we get charged and the hospital gets charged.

We are gearing up for the spring when we have the HAAO conference here in town, this is happening May 4-6, 2018.

Thank you to everyone who puts their loose change in the coin boxes that are placed around town, every little bit helps and it adds up. 

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, February 13 at the hospital at 7 pm. Everyone is welcome to join only $2 a year, a real bargain. See you soon.


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