Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor A M’Chigeeng poet speaks truth in rhyme

A M’Chigeeng poet speaks truth in rhyme


EDITOR’S NOTE:The following poem, titled ‘Just speak the truth, tell no lies’ was written by Ruby Corbiere from M’Chigeeng earlier this year when she was participating in the Anishinabek Identity, Mind and Spirit (AIMS) program at Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute.

‘Just speak the truth, tell no lies’

I prayed to the Creator and said thanks.

That was the start of my day.

I held an Eagle Feather in my left hand,

that was a dream I thought so far away.

There was a dark side of life,

we all need for us to grow,

And there’s the good side of life we all deserve to know.

Balance is needed to stay on our path,

the Eagle Feather is there to represent that.

Our Mind, Body and Spirit,

we need to hold dear,

was the message he sent so loud and clear.

To listen and learn the Teachings

of how it came to be.

The Creator put that Feather,

in that room for us to see.

The surge of His Spirit shook me,

way deep inside.

The power of the Creator,

His beauty so alive.

As the Eagle flies way up to the sky,

Just speak truth, tell no lies.

Ruby Corbiere



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