Home News Headline M’Chigeeng dog to have surgery to repair ulcerated eye

M’Chigeeng dog to have surgery to repair ulcerated eye


M’CHIGEENG—The photograph of a dog on the M’Chigeeng First Nation with an ulcerated eye has received a lot of attention through social media, as well as an MCTV News in Sudbury which featured a story on the dog in the past couple of weeks. An investigation has been carried out by the United Chiefs and Councils of M’Nidoo M’Nissing Police along with the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (OSPCA), with some goods to report.

Rodney Nahwegahbow, UCCM police chief told the Recorder on Tuesday the dog, which is owned by an elderly couple at a residence on the M’Chigeeng First Nation, will be undergoing surgery this week to fix the ulcerated eye.

“I have an open report of a complaint we received about the dog’s condition and we had conducted an investigation with Clancy Martin of the OSPCA,” Police Chief Nahwegahbow told the Recorder. “We have been to the residence and have seen the dog, and talked to its owners. It had been recommended the dog be taken to a veterinarian and it was and surgery will be performed on the dog this Thursday (yesterday).”

Police Chief Nahwegahbow explained, “the owners of the dog are an elderly couple and they lack the funds to have the surgery done, but there has been some financial support provided (by another source) to have the dog undergo the surgery and this will be provided by a vet by this Thursday.” He pointed out, “yes, this is the same dog that we had received complaints about previously, concerning the short length of the chain it had outside at the residence and whether it was being provided water and food. The OSPCA carried out an investigation on this and found the dog was being cared for properly.”

“Hopefully everyone understands this is an elderly couple and they are wanting to keep and continue to take care of the dog,” added Police Chief Nahwegahbow.

Tom Sasvari


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