Home News Local Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board forecasts second quarter deficit

Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board forecasts second quarter deficit


ESPANOLA—As of the second quarter unaudited financial report for 2017, the Manitoulin-Sudbury District Services Board (MSDSB) is forecasting a year-end municipal share deficit of $95,309.

Fern Dominelli, CAO of the DSB, told the Recorder after a board meeting last week, “as of the second quarter for this year, we are forecasting a deficit of $95,309.”

This includes Ontario Works being under budget by $1,162, Children’s Services under budget by $18,373 and social housing being under budget by $231,931. However, paramedic services are over budget by $324,363. Interest on non-reserve accounts is currently $22,411 under budget.


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