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Manitoulin Sporting Life


OFSAA Tennis!

Seven Mustangs travelled to the National Tennis Centre at York University last week to compete at the OFSAA Tennis Championships. Brett Varey and Mackenzie Turner lost in some tough matches in mixed doubles, and Carly Newlands and Meranda Noble came very close in two matches in girls’ doubles. Both teams are young and will have another chance next year. Alexa Gordon also has a bright future after making it to the fourth round as a Grade 10 competing with almost all senior players. Cole Dumond and Harrison Noble also came up against some tough teams in boys’ doubles, but played well and made it to the third round.

OFSAA presents very challenging competition with many southern teams being able to play tennis year round, but coach Chris Theijsmeijer was proud of their effort and sportsmanship, as well as their performance on the court. Well done Mustangs!


OFSAA Track and Field!

Hats off to the large Manitoulin Mustang Track and field team who travelled to St. Marcellinus Secondary School in Mississauga last week. Although the crew didn’t pick up any points this year it is an honour to be able to make it to the all-Ontario championships, Congratulations to: Thomas Hayden, Connor Croft, Carter Noble, Harrison Noble, Brad Blodgett, Jake Bond, Kennedy Lanktree, Braedan Case, William Scott, Bronwyn Cooper, Scarlet Noel, Luke Bond and coach Jim Stringer.


CrossFitters Raise money and win!

Congratulations to Tina Balfe, Kyle McDermid, Amy Mavec and Jon Balfe who were in Sudbury over the weekend to compete in a massive competition fundraiser for the Janis Foligno Foundation. The weekend consisted of 4 events: #1 Everyone runs with a medicine ball (one at a time) for 400 m. After the last person is back the whole team goes at the same time for another 400 m. The local squad won by just 1 second. #2 10 min for your team to each establish a 1 rep max Power Clean (ground to shoulders). Tina set her own personal record at 185, Amy Pr’d at 150, Kyle Pr’d at 245, and Jon Pr’d at 295! After a 2 min rest and as a team, working one at a time they did their max. pull ups in 3 min. They did 149 as a team! #3 Men then women: As a pair do 40 deadlifts at 225, 40 burpees, 40 front squats at 135, 40 toes to bar, 40 shoulder to overhead with 95.

The Timmins team was ahead of them until the very end in the shoulder to overhead. But when Tina and Amy took over the Timmins’ women couldn’t keep up. Finally #4: girls first then guys (working as a pair) 25 cal row each, 50 box jump overs, 75 wall ball, 100 double-unders, 100 yard overhead walking lunges (lunge with a plate over your head 25 for ladies 45 for men). The Manitoulin team ended up winning all the events to take the title over teams coming from Timmins and Ottawa and the Toronto area. Way to go team!


Ottawa Race Weekend

Congratulations to Mel and Jenn Delange and Pamela and David Williamson who all ran in the Ottawa Tamarack 10K. The Haners, Allen and Ben took in the 5k with Ben ripping up the course in just 19:16! Congratulations to Chris Haner who ran his quickest 2K.


Time to get your mud on?

TriStyle Inc. is organizing their 3rd annual Miner’s Mayhem on June 21. This is an obstacle course trail run involving a miner’s theme. This spectacular event consists of running, hill climbing, much water, wall climbing, crawling, lots of mud and is located at the Adanac ski hill in Sudbury. They guarantee you will have lots of fun and you may even get a little dirty. If you have always wanted to challenge yourself, here’s your opportunity to participate in a unique event. You must be 18 years and older to participate. You can register on line through the Running Room or at the TriStyle, 428 Westmount Ave, 1C Sudbury. For more information you can contact Donna Smerk, Event Director at trifitsudbury@hotmail.com or call (705) 665-3198.


Under 3 weeks to lucky 13th Mindemoya Classic

The 13th edition of the Mindemoya Classic run-paddle-pedal triathlon is set to go this coming June 29. The fun begins at 9 am Sunday morning, on Canada Day at the Government Dock down at Lake Mindemoya. Part of the Central Manitoulin Lions Club fun, Homecoming Weekend, the race is for anyone from the elite to the occasional athlete. You can do it all on your own or with one or three other helpers. There is also something for joggers with the 5.5 km run; canoe/kayakers paddle 4k and/or a bike route of just 13km. The race will once again feature Lightfoot Bikes doing free safety checks on all pedal steeds before the race.

If you would like more information on the Classic visit the race web

site at www.mindemoyaclassic.com.



A good sport is good for sports. 705-377-6018





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