Home Columns Manitoulin OPP releases Festive RIDE statistics

Manitoulin OPP releases Festive RIDE statistics


The Manitoulin detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) conducted 103 reduce impaired driving everywhere (RIDE) events during the Festive RIDE campaign, which ran from November 17 to January 2. Officers checked approximately 1,939 drivers, investigating those suspected of driving under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs, said provincial constable John Hill community safety officer (CSO) with the Manitoulin OPP.

Officers exercised their mandatory alcohol screening (MAS) authority, which allows police to demand a breath sample from any lawfully stopped driver, even if there is no suspicion or evidence of alcohol consumption. The Manitoulin OPP issued one warn range suspension and charged six drivers with impaired driving offences during the campaign.

“The OPP thanks all road users and citizens who reported suspected impaired drivers to police and did their parts to keep roads safe over the holidays,” said CSO Hill. “The Manitoulin OPP extends a specific thank you to all the designated drivers who made sure their friends and loved ones made it home safely.”

Drivers are reminded that the OPP conducts RIDE events throughout the year as part of its ongoing efforts to save lives on Ontario roads.


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