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Manitoulin Island Network of Care Providers issues community challenge for donation of Loblaw cards

MANITOULIN–There’s still time to apply for your Loblaw $25 gift card and support your community by donating the card to an Island food bank. Loblaw is offering a $25 gift card to every Ontario resident over the age of 18 who has ever bought bread at a Loblaw or affiliate store since 2001 following its admission of price fixing on its bread products.

While listening to CBC, Dr. Roy Jefferey and his wife heard that some people were registering and then donating their cards to their local food bank. They thought it was a good idea and have spearheaded this challenge.  “If we get 1,000 people in a couple of our local communities to donate their cards, we could raise $25,000 for Island food banks,” said Dr. Jefferey.

“Cards have started to trickle in,” Dr. Jefferey said. “We are asking recipients to activate the cards by calling the 1-800 number provided with the card but either way, they will work once donated. The activation just saves a little time for volunteers at the food banks.”

Marnie Hall Brown, executive director of Manitoulin Family Resources, said they have only received seven cards to date at their location, but they “will happily continue to accept cards that are donated to us, as the funds will be used to make local purchases for the food bank, which is a year-round need.”

Dr. Jefferey has organized a number of drop-off locations to make the donation easy. Islanders can drop their gift card off at Mnaamodzawin Health Services, Wikwemikong Long Term Care/Home and Community Care, M’Chigeeng Health Services Home Care Program, Manitoulin Family Resources, or their family doctor’s office. All cards will be donated to Manitoulin Family Resources’ Food Bank, Noojmowin Teg Health Centre’s Good Food Box program, and the Wellness Locker at Manitoulin Secondary School.

Registration for the gift cards is open until May 8. Register online at loblawcard.ca or you can request a paper registration form through the same website.


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