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Manitoulin Centennial Manor Minutes


May 16

Honeywell contract

Following a review of the April board minutes, Manitoulin Centennial Manor administrator Tamara Beam told the board that she had discussions with Honeywell about the costs of finishing the Manor’s HVAC system. As was reported previously, Honeywell gave Manor administration an improper quote for its HVAC system, with the actual cost coming in significantly higher.

Ms. Beam explained that the per year payments are $38,048 a year for the next five years and that the board has the option of paying biannually or quarterly. She said that there is no difference in the payments, but the board would see a difference in the financial statements. Quarterly, she suggested, might make it easier for budgeting purposes.

Hugh Moggy made a motion that the they pay Honeywell on a quarterly basis and it was seconded by Aurel Rivet. The motion was carried.

Administrator’s report

Ms. Beam shared with the board that the Manor is at 99.3 percent occupancy with a waiting list of 32. There are no compliance, ministerial issue or outbreaks.

The Manor has had three fire drills since April 5.

Ms. Beam also shared that October 27 has been set as the Ontario Nursing Association arbitration date.

In budgets, nursing is over budget by over $17,000; food, under budget by $364; personal support workers (PSWs), under budget by $5,800; and accommodation, under budget by $28,000. Those categories that are under budget are helping to offset the nursing budget, it was explained.

Year to date, the budget has a slight surplus of over $6,000.

New Director of Care

Debbie Selent of Little Current was welcomed by the board as the Manor’s new Director of Care. 

Ms. Selent, a nurse by trade, has an extensive background in health administration through her time with Mnaamodzawin Health Services, also as a Director of Care, and the North East Local Health Integration Network. Ms. Selent also plenty of background in geriatrics.

On a personal note. Ms. Selent shared that her father-in-law, the late Chuck Pinand, was a Manor resident until the time of his passing and enjoyed his time there immensely.

The board—Art Hayden (Burpee and Mills), Hugh Moggy (Assiginack), Aurel Rivet (provincial representative), Pat MacDonald, chair (Tehkummah), Wendy Gauthier (provincial representative) and Dan Osborne (Gore Bay, Billings, Gordon-Barrie Island)—welcomed Ms. Selent to the Manor. (Missing from the Manor meeting was Dawn Orr, who represents the Northeast Town.)

Fundraising update

Ms. Gauthier, fundraising chair, shared with the board that the Another Step Forward fundraising goal, to see the Manor flooring replaced, rose slightly, bringing the May total to $78,485.34.

Ms. Gauthier said she was “very anxious” to reach her fundraising goal of $100,000 to start the flooring project. She told the board she also received quotes for special floor cleaning equipment, which is included in the $100,000 total. Two separate units, at $5,000 each, will be purchased—one for each floor.

Ms. Gauthier also expressed her wish that a separate account for fundraising e-transfers be set up through their TD account. A motion to that effect was made and carried.

Board elections

In the elections for chair and vice chair, Pat MacDonald was named as chair and Aurel Rivet named vice chair.

April 18

Administrator’s report

Things are looking pretty good at Manitoulin Centennial Manor these days. The occupancy rate is hovering around 99.74 percent with 32 applicants lined up on the waiting list.

Currently there is one resident in the palliative care room. The Manor cannot free up that person’s room, however, as they are counted in the maximum number of residents the Manor may have even though they are no longer occupying their normal room.

“We have had no issues with compliance,” said Manor administrator Tamara Beam, who has moved up from the director of care position.

Ms. Beam noted that the Manor continues to access locums to fill the staff schedule, with 32 shifts of PSWs, one of RPNs and two of registered nurses.

“In the first quarter we had one RN who was very ill,” explained Ms. Beam. That individual has now retired from the Manor and her replacement is currently being sourced. “We are in the hiring process for an RPN.”

There are no outstanding grievances.

The Ministry of Health and Long Term Care conducted an inspection and found no issues. “She was very happy,” said Ms. Beam of the inspector. “Public Health also came in.”

Fundraising going well

The Manor fundraising program currently tops out at $78,385.34, according to coordinator Wendy Gauthier. “I am so appreciative of the community for their support,” she said.

There are changes coming to how people will be able to chip in to the Manor fundraising efforts.

“I am currently looking for a better way to donate,” said Ms. Gauthier, who noted that with the rise in e-transfers and other electronic payment means the writing is on the wall. “The old ways are simply not convenient for a lot of people,” she said. “We may be missing out on the younger generation.”

Another option is to sign on to an organization like the Charity Collection Agency, a non-profit that helps raise funds for the sector through Canada Helps. “They are used by other organizations,” said Ms. Gauthier.

Manor administrator asked if that was similar to the GoFundMe website. Ms. Gauthier responded that there is a significant cost to going that route.

A bittersweet farewell

Manitoulin Centennial Manor board chair Patricia MacDonald took a moment out at the end of the April 18 board meeting to express the board’s gratitude to departing administrator Michelle Bond. “Michelle is leaving us, having helped the Manor through some difficult times into better times,” she said. “Thank you, Michelle.”


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