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M.S.S Kids in the Halls


Today is the last day, well, at least of classes. The final pieces of culminating assignments and other term work will all wrap up today if they haven’t already done so for some courses. It is hard to believe that 10 months have already passed and it’s almost time for another summer break.

Exams begin tomorrow, Thursday, June 23, at 9 am. The second and third period exams will occur on Friday, June 24 at 9 am and 12:30 pm, respectively. Fourth period exams will be held at 9 am on Monday, June 27. The full exam schedule that includes what classes have exams each day can be found on the Guidance 2021-2022 Google Classrooms or MSS’s Instagram or Facebook page. Good luck to all the students writing exams! You got this! An exam joke for you:

Father: Why did you get such a low score in that exam?

Son: Absence!

Father: You were absent on the day of the exam?

Son: No, but the boy who sits next to me was!

Friday, June 17 was Grade 8 shadow day. Grade 8 students from the Island elementary schools came to MSS to see what the day of a high school student looks like. The day began with introductions to student leaders, Jocelyn Kuntsi, myself (Rachael Orford), Lane Phillips and Katie Chapman, followed by introductions and a few words from Mr. Wiwchar, Ms. McCann, Ms. Marshall and Mr. Theijsmeijer. Grade 8 students and Grade 9 and 10 volunteer mentors then played a huge game of “rock, paper, scissors, cheer” in the gym. After the game, the Grade 8s met up with the mentor they were paired with and headed off to a second period class. For lunch, Mr. Balfe prepared soup, so Grade 8s were welcome to go to the Foods room and see what a high school ‘soup day’ looks and tastes like. To wrap up the day, students were given tours by student leaders which was followed up by some school trivia and freezies for those who answered the questions correctly.

We finally have a Spymaster winner! It was many long weeks of students being afraid to sit in the cafeteria and running through the halls trying not to get caught. One by one, participants slowly were eliminated from the game. Finally, as of last week, two people remained—two Grade 12 students as well. Then on Friday, a winner was declared. Congratulations to Zoe Redmond who was officially the last spy standing! Another award was given out to the person who caught the most targets throughout the span of the entire game. The winner of that award was Mr. Debassige. Congratulations! Great job to all the participants of Spymaster, and we hope that everyone had lots of fun!

Graduation is in less than a week! Now that the graduation rehearsal has come and gone, it is time for the official ceremony. The ceremony will be held in the gymnasium beginning at 7 pm on Tuesday, June 28. Graduates are to be at the school by 6:15 pm. With all that being said, it is now my pleasure to announce the valedictorian for the MSS graduating Class of 2022. Congratulations to Eliza Ermilova!

Joke of the week: An elderly person had serious hearing problems for a number of years. They went to the doctor, and the doctor was able to have them fitted for a set of hearing aids that allowed them to hear 100 percent. They went back in a month and the doctor said, “Your hearing is perfect. Your family must be really pleased that you can hear again.” The person replied, “Oh, I haven’t told my family yet. I just sit around and listen to the conversations. I’ve changed my will three times!”

Upcoming events include exams and summer break!

Until the next time, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve!”


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