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M.S.S Kids in the Halls


We are now in the final crunch of the semester. The last few lessons of remaining units are being taught, culminating assignments are well underway and most exam preparation has begun.

It’s been a while since MSS has been able to have a live talent show in the cafeteria. On Wednesday, June 8, that was able to happen. During the lunch hour, the Grade 9 music class, senior music class, concert band and a few other acts performed in front of staff and students. Thank you to all the participants who got up on stage and provided wonderful entertainment.

With all the stress that comes with the end of the semester, some fun was needed. So, on Friday, June 10 there was Student Appreciation Day. Student council, along with the assistance of some admin members, planned an afternoon of activities in hopes of surprising the rest of the students. After lunch, students were taken outside onto the soccer field where they were split into East and West End teams based on where they live on the Island. From there, students played capture the flag, which was followed by a game of tug-of-war. The game was so intense that the rope may have broken during the second round! After the little rope dilemma, students transitioned to eating hotdogs and freezies while other activities went on such as nail painting, spikeball, a photo scavenger hunt and basketball. It was great to see all the staff and students outside enjoying some time together and having fun in the sunshine.

This coming Friday, June 17, the Grade 8 students from Island elementary schools will be coming to MSS for Grade 8 shadow day. The event will begin with an introduction from some senior students and some icebreaker games. Grade 8 students will have the chance to shadow a junior student to their second period class as an opportunity to see what high school classes are like. They will have lunch at MSS and will get tours around the school during the third period. Can’t wait to see all the future Mustangs there!

Don’t forget that this Sunday, June 19 is Father’s Day! A Father’s Day joke for you:

How is the baby bird like its dad? It’s a chirp off the old block.

The exam schedule for semester two has been released. There will be three exam days: Thursday, June 23; Friday, June 24; and Monday, June 27. Two exam periods will occur on Friday, June 24, one beginning at 9 am and the second beginning at 12:30 pm. Exam periods begin at 9 am on both Thursday, June 23 and Monday, June 27. Best of luck, Mustangs!

The MSS Graduation for the Class of 2022 will take place on Tuesday, June 28 beginning at 7 pm. Graduates are to be at the school by 6:15 pm. The graduation rehearsal is on Monday, June 20, at 11 am.

Joke of the week: Why did the baby strawberry cry? Because his daddy was in a jam.

Upcoming events include spymaster, a PD Day, Grade 8 shadow day, and exams.

I wish all fathers, stepfathers, uncles, grandfather and other fatherly figures a happy Father’s Day!

Until the next time, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve!”


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