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M.S.S. Kids in the Halls


Today is the last day of exams which means the school year is over. Summer holidays are now within reach! A summer holiday joke for you:

What does 27x+45-27×29-63 equal? Too big of a number, it’s summer vacation!

Tomorrow, Thursday, June 27, is the Grade 12 graduation ceremony in the MSS cafeteria at 7 pm. Congratulations to the MSS Graduating Class of 2019! Best of luck in your future endeavours whether you are heading to college or university, going straight into the workforce, or coming back to MSS for a victory lap. 

The Graduating Class of 2019 has nominated and selected their valedictorian. There were four deserving students up for the title. This year’s graduating class valedictorian is Matt Redmond! Congratulations, Matt!

Two staff members of MSS are retiring this year, Mr. Kategiannis and Mr. Roy. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with the students over the years. Best wishes for your retirement!

In September, students who signed up for the WE Day trip will be travelling to Toronto for this event. All spots are now filled, but there is a waiting-list that your name could be added to just in case there is a cancellation. Students will be sharing a bus with Lo-Ellen Park Secondary School and LaSalle Secondary School. Students are looking forward to hearing what the lineup for this year’s event will be!

The Grade 9 barbecue will take place on August 28, one week before the start of school which occurs on September 4. Good luck to all Grade 9s entering high school! You have a great four years of high school ahead of you!

Next school year’s schedule pickup for all other grades will also take place at the end of August. Keep an eye on the MSS Facebook page for updates!

Students’ report cards for the second semester will be arriving in the mail in early July.

MSS will continue to undergo renovations over the summer holiday. There will be multiple changes to the school by the time school starts in September including a new gymnasium floor and bleachers.

Just a reminder to get some volunteer hours this summer! There will be lots of opportunities to volunteer within your own community.

As this is my last column for the year, I would like to thank The Expositor, all my readers, supporters and everyone that made this possible. Thank you for all the compliments that I have received! I appreciate them so much! I started writing this column in September, after only starting Grade 9 a few weeks prior. At the time it seemed like a huge challenge to take on but I have no regrets at all. I can hardly wait to see what next year’s columns will bring when Manitoulin Secondary School celebrates 50 years!

Joke of the week: When do you go at red and stop at green? When you are eating a watermelon.

Upcoming events include, summer holidays!

I hope that everyone has a happy, fun and safe summer! Good luck to all students especially new and graduating Mustangs next year! A final joke for you:

Do fish go on vacation? No, because they are always in schools!

Until September, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve!


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