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M.S.S. Kids in the Hall


It is the first week of June and final units and projects are wrapping up in classes. Students are preparing for culminating activities and exams. 

MSS track and field athletes participated at Northern Ontario Secondary School Athletics (NOSSA) in North Bay on Wednesday, May 26 and Thursday, May 27. Athletes proudly represented MSS and brought home amazing results. In the midget division, Autumn Deschenes placed third in the 100m and 4th in the 200m. Autumn placed 16th overall in her division. Sophie Hietkamp placed 2nd in high jump, long jump and triple jump. She tied for 2nd place overall in the midget division. Whittier Gauthier placed 4th in high jump, 15th in long jump and 10th in triple jump. She placed 38th overall in the midget division. Julian Wemigwans placed 11th in the 800m, 8th in the 1500m and 69th overall in the midget boys’ division. Jared Cortes placed 12th in the 800m and 10th in triple jump. In the junior division, Ayriell Nodecker placed 8th in 400m, 7th in long jump, 15th in shot put and 45th overall in her division. Amber Wiwchar placed 6th in the 800m, 4th in the 1500m and 1st in the 3000m. Amber placed 6th in the junior girls’ division. Malia Leighton placed 5th in high jump and 11th in triple jump. She also placed 45th overall, along with Ayriell Nodecker. The junior girls’ 4x100m relay team consisted of Malia Leighton, and three Grade 9s: Sophie Hietkamp, Whittier Gauthier and Autumn Deschenes. They placed 7th. In the senior division, Mackenzie Cortes placed 9th in the 400m and 11th in the 800m. Gabby Corbiere placed 11th in the 400m and 15th in shot put. Beth Wiwchar placed 5th in the 800m and 1500m, 8th in the 3000m and 27th overall in the senior division. Ella Stewart placed 8th in the 1500m, 9th in the 3000m and 64th overall. Mya Otosquaiob placed 6th in long jump and 8th in triple jump. She placed 46th in the Senior division. The girls senior 4×100 consisted of Beth Wiwchar, Mackenzie Cortes, Gabby Corbiere, and Grade 10 athlete Ayriell Nodecker placed 7th as well. MSS placed 12th overall for points. Congratulations, Mustangs! Students that qualify for OFSAA (Ontario Federation of School Athletic Associations) will be travelling to the University of Guelph for competitions from June 6 to 8. 

SHARE/Go Green has organized a e-waste drive. You may dispose of your electronic clutter for free! There is also textile and clothing drive. The drop off times are Monday-Friday, June 3-7 from 3 to 5 pm and Saturday, June 8 from 9 am to 2 pm at MSS.

Agriculture SHSM (Specialist High School Major) students have been busy building beehives. I’m happy to say that the hives are almost ready for some new inhabitants! A bee joke for you:

What do you call a bee that lives in America? USB 

Prior to exams, EQAO will be written by students taking Grade 9 math this semester. 

Exams are taking place from Friday, June 21 to Wednesday, June 26. 

The Grade 12 Graduation is on June 27. Mark the date on your calendar!

Joke of the week: If you have a bee in your hand, what do you have in your eye? Beauty, because beauty is in the eye of the bee-holder.

Upcoming events include, track and field, exams and more!

Until next time, “Dream and Believe. Learn and Achieve!


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