Home News Local Little Current Public School raises $3,002 for Terry Fox Foundation

Little Current Public School raises $3,002 for Terry Fox Foundation

The Little Current Public School student body made an impressive sight as they travelled down Blake Street led by the school’s Terry Fox Run 2019 banner held by, in no particular order, Zayne Raynes, Mackenzie Simon, Paige Moore, Dawn Marshall, Hannah McDonald, Shea Williamson, Hailee Harasym, Landon Aelick and Christian Eadie. photo by Michael Erskine

LITTLE CURRENT—The air was thick with excitement as the students of Little Current Public School poured into the school gymnasium to take part in the warmup exercises for the school’s Terry Fox Run 2019 event. News that the school’s fundraising efforts had exceeded this year’s $3,000 goal was greeted with hearty cheers and applause.

Students Zayne Raynes, Mackenzie Simon, Paige Moore, Dawn Marshall, Hannah McDonald, Shea Williamson, Hailee Harasym, Landon Aelick and Christian Eadie lined up along the far wall of the gym, papers in hand as they stood in for the actual organizing committee of Mackenzie Green, Karlin McGaughey, Cole Hughson, Kyra Carpenter, Saraya Eshkawkogan, Aalyah Townsend, T.J. Green, Zayne Raynes, Ankia Smith and Jordan Goddard, who had to fulfill other commitments on Friday afternoon.

“Every year, our school works together to raise money for the Terry Fox Foundation with the hope of eventually finding a cure,” said Paige.

“Sadly, cancer touches so many of our lives,” said Dawn. “We need to find a cure for this terrible disease. We have two brave survivors in our school, Mary-Anne McGraw and Darlene Green.”

“Terry Fox runs are held all around the world,” said Hannah. “Terry is a hero known far and wide. We honour his memory by taking on his dream which started with his marathon of hope in 1980.”

“Our school community worked so hard this year, as we do every year,” said Landon. “We raised money online, we collected pledges from friends and family, we bought t-shirts and we donated loose change to the coin drive in our school.”

“Our goal this year was to raise $3,000,” said Christian. “We did it. Our school can be proud that we raised $3,002.70 for the Terry Fox Foundation.”

The assembled students roared their approval of the announcement.

“As promised, the high earners for this year will get to pie the Terry Fox Committee members,” said Paige. “Sadly, they are not here today because they are playing soccer in Sudbury. We promise that we will all get together again soon to see these pies go flying.”

The top earners, and soon-to-be pie flingers are Aubrey Monahan, Cole Laidley, Garrett Charbonneau, Ryland and Skyler Corbiere and Brenna Pollard, reported Hailee, as MacKenzie called for the students to give them a big hand, “because we did this together,” she said.

“Thank you all for your help with this fundraising event,” said Hailee. “We can be proud to be Coyotes.”

Hannah then explained that Mr. Lockeyer would be leading the students in a warm up before the students walked together around the block.

Proudly hoisting aloft a large banner at the head of the column, students processed through the street.


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