Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor LETTERS: The concept of a Central Manitoulin sports complex is an idea...

LETTERS: The concept of a Central Manitoulin sports complex is an idea that just won’t die


To the Expositor:

I am 72 going on 73 and most of my life I have lived with this scenario of a sports complex being built in Mindemoya. It will never ever go away. Why won’t it go away? Because it is about pride and ego, with which we are all blessed and cursed. 

This sports complex would make a number of people wonderfully proud. But how to get it built? Probably the Old School would have to be torn down for the property. Council would have to be changed so that Campbell and Sandfield would not each have two councillors. This decentralizes power too much. The mayor has a plan for a revamped council that consists of a mayor and four councillors. Then a fact-finding committee would be struck that would eventually endorse a sports complex in Mindemoya. 

Oh, what a wicked web we weave when first we practice to deceive.

Robert Caddel

Providence Bay


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