Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor LETTERS: A word of thanks to considerate drivers on Highway 6

LETTERS: A word of thanks to considerate drivers on Highway 6


Canine companions are not an invited accessory

To the Expositor:

Thumbs up and miigwetch to all those kind, considerate, thoughtful and courteous drivers that my daughter and I meet each day that we walk on Highway 6 on the 10 Mile Point hill. Many of those drivers that we meet will pull over to the other lane and give us a wide berth, providing there are no other vehicles coming from the other direction of course, and if so they usually slow down. So miigwetch, thumbs up, God bless, etc., etc., to those caring drivers. You are greatly appreciated. To those drivers that seem to be in a big hurry most of the time, you probably do not realize that people with your driving habits and attitudes are some of our best teachers in that we learn patience, understanding, forgiveness, self-discipline and mind-training. For instance, it is really easy to control the urge to pump the Trudeau finger into the air at some drivers, but many of us have trained our minds to follow and exercise the golden rule, “treat others as you would like to be treated.”

Before closing, I must mention and also to apology to the Highway 6 traffic that sometimes we have between three to five dogs following us and they sometimes obstruct traffic. They are not our dogs. When they see us walking by they come out and tag along. We try to threaten them with our walking sticks and chase them away but to no avail.

Miigwetch, thank you.

Norman Aguonie

Sheguiandah First Nation

P.S. We met a pickup truck Wednesday morning in our village, posted at 70 km per hour, it was doing about 110 or 120 km per hour. Why?


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