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LETTERS: A cautionary election commentary


So many lies already and the future looks grim for those at the bottom of the economic scale under Ford

To the Expositor:

Citizens should be worried about next month’s election. Who to vote for? Try and understand between the lines on what these candidates are saying when they are out campaigning. But as for Rob Ford, it sounds like we may end up with cutbacks again. Maybe even tax increases to fix the deficit we have now. If that happens it’s going to hurt a lot of citizens, remember what Mike Harris did when he was a premier? He did massive cutbacks on everything and the problems that he created are still lingering around today. I believe it’s been 25 years or more since he was premier, but at least the Liberals did help us a little with our hydro bills when none of the two parties of government did nothing to help us with our hydro bill. All they did was fight in the legislature instead of trying to work together to solve the problem.

As for the deficit we have now, it might be best just to keep going the way we are not. If they are cut back again, it’s going to hurt a lot of people again, just like what Mike Harris did.

The programs people depend on just may get cut back and Rob Fords campaign does not look too promising. He just may end up hurting a lot of citizens again; he may just cost you more to live either with tax increases or something else. People, think before you vote. As for me, I really do not know who to trust any more. Too many lies already and it’s tiring hearing these lies. Nothing ever changes no matter who the premier is.

Ron Osawabine



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