Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Letter writer tries once again to clarify his position on the Providence...

Letter writer tries once again to clarify his position on the Providence Bay docks


All taxpayers should be upset about the present situation

To the Expositor:

This letter is in response to the latest letter from Mr. Shawn Clifford Roy regarding the present situation at the Providence Bay dock (‘A positive take on the Providence Bay Marina, September 24, page 4).

Once again, his response and others before him to my letters regarding our dock are totally missing the point. I, and many other people, want to draw the public’s attention to the fact that in 2011, the federal government paid out $481,000 to have the dock repaired and refurbished, only to turn it over to the present managing company, the Algoma-Manitoulin Harbour Authority, whose policies have resulted in the present situation where the public is banned from activities such as swimming, fishing and parking at the facility from May 1 to October 15. This private corporation is making profits from a facility that public tax dollars were used to improve its condition. All taxpayers should be upset about the present situation at our dock, and let their federal Member of Parliament know. The dock is still owned by the federal government.

My letters regarding the dock have never been and never will be intended to be critical of any individual who is responsible for the daily operation of the facility. That person is an employee of the corporation holding the present managing lease and must administer their policies.

On a positive note, let me thank Manitoulin Streams, the Municipality of Central Manitoulin and all others involved in the stream rehabilitation project just above the Hwy. 551 bridge in Providence Bay and the viewing station constructed above the footbridge at the mouth of the Mindemoya River. To all of you who have objected to these projects, remember, these are our tax dollars being put to positive uses. Get proactive instead of reactive. These projects can only help our village in the long run.

Jack Hicks
Providence Bay



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