Home News Local LCPS principal raises Blake St. speeding concerns

LCPS principal raises Blake St. speeding concerns


LITTLE CURRENT—The topic of speeding drivers in Little Current has again raised concern with mayor and council, this time from the principal of Little Current Public School (LCPS).

At its October 18 meeting, council reviewed a letter from LCPS Principal Heather Pennie who asked council to consider increased roadway signage telling drivers to slow down, as well as speed bumps to be installed within Blake Street’s school zone.

“Drivers sometimes drive very quickly down Blake Street, which is where our student pick-ups and drop-offs occur,” Ms. Pennie writes. “The Rainbow District School Board has installed a drive-through parking lot area to help with the traffic flow and provide a place for vehicles to pull off the roadway, but parents have observed that there is still a lot of traffic on the street, sometimes travelling at excessive speeds. This may be due in part to the location of the Tim Hortons which has increased vehicle traffic in the area.”

This was the second meeting in a row that speeding had been raised, causing CAO Dave Williamson to launch a report into what traffic calming measures are at council’s disposal, such as speed bumps, median barriers or increased signage.

As an immediate solution, Mr. Williamson told The Expositor the municipality has ordered four ‘school ahead’ signs that include the speed limit on them to replace the existing signs on both Blake and Draper streets. “We are just waiting on them to come in and they will be put up immediately.”

Councillor Bill Koehler asked for specific research on speed bumps, such as those located on Sudbury’s South View Drive.

Amanda Roy, supervisor at Little Current Child Care told The Expositor daycare staff also has serious concerns about the rate of speed some drivers are travelling. The busy daycare, located at LCPS, also uses Blake Street as its entry and exit point.

“We see people speeding up and down Blake Street daily and it is dangerous,” she said. “We’re happy to hear that this issue is being addressed by NEMI council because it worries us as well.”

When contacted for comment after the meeting, Ms. Pennie said she was pleased “that mayor and council are giving our suggestions consideration. Safety is certainly a shared concern. As a caring community, we can never be too safe when it comes to our children and families.”


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