Home News Local Large crowd gathers for Mayor Austin Hunt’s 90th birthday party

Large crowd gathers for Mayor Austin Hunt’s 90th birthday party

Happy 90th birthday! Michael Addison, general manager of LAMBAC, right, presents a letter of congratulations on behalf of the LAMBAC board to Austin Hunt at his 90th birthday party celebrations. The event was held at the Park Centre in Kagawong.

KAGAWONG—He is the longest serving municipal politician in Canada who has committed much of his life and efforts toward the betterment of his community of Billings Township, and of the Manitoulin Island community. So it was no surprise that the Park Centre in Kagawong was packed with family, friends, colleagues, and representatives of the various organizations Austin Hunt has, or is still a member of, for the celebration of his 90th birthday this past Sunday.

“The Township of Billings wanted to host a 90th birthday party for Aus,” stated Billings Councillor Sharon Alkenbrack, master of ceremonies for the event. “We appreciate everyone coming out to celebrate Aus birthday, which was actually on December 29.”

Councillor Alkenbrack noted that Mayor Hunt was born in Kagawong in 1925, in the family-owned Havelock Hotel. “According to the Chinese calendar 1925 was the year of the Ox, and those born that year are characterized by those who like to get the job done, is very hard working and community minded. Aus showed these characteristics when he was only five-years-old, given the job of shoveling the steps and turning on the lights at St. John’s Anglican Church. This is something he still does today.”

Mayor Hunt, “is well known at 24 Sussex Drive in Ottawa,” said Ms. Alkenbrack. “During the term of Jean Chretien (as Prime Minister of Canada), our township was developing our breakwall. Someone mentioned we could use a piece of equipment called a destroyer to do the work and Aus said he could look into that. At the next council meeting, Aus said we can have the destroyer, but the only thing is we have to pay for the cleaning and its use afterward. We asked Aus who he had called about this and he said ‘Jean.’ ‘Jean Chretien?’ we asked. He said ‘yes, he called me back 15 minutes after I called. He had been busy and couldn’t talk to me when I called him’.”

Mayor Hunt was a founding member of the Lacloche-Manitoulin Business Assistance Corporation (LAMBAC), Manitoulin Municipal Association, Manitoulin Tourism Association, Manitoulin Planning Board, and has been a board member of the Northern Ontario Northland Transportation Commission, as well as a member of the Federation of Northern Ontario Municipalities, and the Association of Municipalities of Ontario, among many more organizations. “And Aus is the longest serving municipal politician in Canada,” said Councillor Alkenbrack. “And over and above that he is our (Billings) mayor.”

“Aus is a father, grandfather, and has been a guiding light and leader in the community for 63 plus years. On behalf of council, staff and the community I would like to present a gift of a painting by Jenna Carter, which has most of the buildings in our town that are special to Aus,” said Councillor Alkenbrack.

Richard Stephens, mayor of Central Manitoulin, said, “it is certainly a pleasure to be here today.” He pointed out when he started out in politics in 1978, Mayor Hunt had already had over 20 years of political experience.

“Aus has been a vital part of Manitoulin politics and the community since 1953,” said Mayor Stephens.

He presented letters of congratulations to Mayor Hunt on behalf of AMO and FONOM, who both extended gratitude to him for his commitment, dedication and betterment for the community, and both Northern Ontario and the province as a whole.

Michael Addison, general manager of LAMBAC, told a story that, “a couple of years ago I had the opportunity to meet Justin Trudeau. When I introduced myself and told him I was from Manitoulin he said my father (late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau) used to tell the story of when he was talking to Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson and asked him what is the first thing you are going to do when you retire? He said the first thing I’m going to do is visit Manitoulin Island and my friend Austin Hunt.”

Mr. Addison read a letter from Aime J. Dimatteo, director general of FedNor, to Mayor Hunt. It stated, “on behalf of the government of Canada and everyone at FedNor, I am pleased to extend to you our best wishes as you celebrate your 90th birthday-an impressive milestone by any standard.”

Mr. Addison congratulated Mayor Hunt on his 28 years with LAMBAC, saying, “over the years, you have provided guidance and inspiration to board and staff alike. You are an excellent representative of our organization and we are very proud to have you on our board. I would personally like to take this opportunity to personally thank you for the important role you have played in helping us achieve our success.”

Elva Carter, secretary-treasurer of the Manitoulin Planning Board (MPB) in congratulating Mayor Hunt on his 90th birthday, pointed out he was originally appointed by the province as a member of the board in 1975 (the MPB inception). He was chair of the board from 1979-1981, “and is the longest serving member of the board. Congratulations on your 90th birthday on behalf of the board and staff of the planning board.”

Councillor Alkenbrack and Billings Councillor Barbara Erskine presented framed letters to Mayor Hunt from Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing MP Carol Hughes and Algoma-Manitoulin MPP Michael Mantha.

Billings councillor Barbara Erskine, right, presents a letter of congratulations from the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Elizabeth Dowdeswell, to Billings Mayor Austin Hunt. A 90th birthday party celebration was held for Mayor Hunt this past Sunday at the Park Centre in Kagawong.
Billings councillor Barbara Erskine, right, presents a letter of congratulations from the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Elizabeth Dowdeswell, to Billings Mayor Austin Hunt. A 90th birthday party celebration was held for Mayor Hunt this past Sunday at the Park Centre in Kagawong.

Letters of congratulations from the Lieutenant General for Ontario, Elizabeth Dowdeswell, and Canada’s Governor General David Johnston to Mayor Hunt were also read out loud.

“In southern Ontario, one would be lucky to meet your representative of a city ward,” said Councillor Erskine. “Thirteen years ago I came to the Billings, and I was welcomed warmly by Aus and his family. And as a new councillor, Aus has been very encouraging and mentoring. I would like to thank you for this.”

“It is a pleasure and an honour to be here today,” said Brent St. Denis, former Liberal MP for Algoma-Manitoulin-Kapuskasing, who presented greetings on behalf of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

“People who are as dedicated and committed to their community as Aus is are necessary,” said Mr. St. Denis. “I would like to thank you for everything you have done for Manitoulin and the community. You are an inspiration.”

Lee Hayden, vice-chair of the MMA, presented best wishes to Mayor Hunt, noting that the incredible respect fellow politicians have for the latter is shown by the large number who were in attendance.

“I would like to thank Billings for doing this and for everyone who came out,” said Mayor Hunt. “I really appreciate all your  kind thoughts and words.”

Prior to Mayor Hunt cutting a 90th birthday cake for everyone to enjoy, everyone in attendance joined in to sing Happy Birthday to Mayor Hunt.


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