Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Kudos all round to those involved in Providence Bay cleanup

Kudos all round to those involved in Providence Bay cleanup


To the Expositor:

Hats off and many thanks to Manitoulin Streams, Ferguson Aggregate, the Township of Central Manitoulin and the many volunteers associated with the stream rehabilitation project near the mouth of the Mindemoya River in Providence Bay.

It is refreshing to see our tax dollars going toward something positive for a change. This project will reduce erosion, clean sediment from gravel beds and help keep the mouth of the river open at critical times when the salmon and rainbow trout are running the river to spawn. This will, in turn, result in improved reproduction of fish for the future.

The vast majority of fish caught along the south shore of Manitoulin are the result of natural reproduction as there are no stocking programs for rainbow trout or salmon on the south shore of the Island. This project will result in more sportfishing opportunities in the future. There is now less fishing opportunities at the Providence Bay dock, so more opportunities are needed. To those few people who objected to this project, remember the health of the fish stocks in Providence Bay and Lake Huron directly effect the whole village of Providence Bay.

Again, many thanks and keep up the good work.

Jack Hicks
Providence Bay



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