Home Op-Ed Letters to the Editor Kudos to Island municipalities for showing ‘green’ leadership

Kudos to Island municipalities for showing ‘green’ leadership


Dear Editor:

The Recorder article, ‘Three Island municipalities commit to climate action’ (November 17) was the first time I read about Green Economy North, a very timely initiative in Sudbury which helps northern municipalities and businesses save on energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Left unchecked, greenhouse gas emissions from burning fossil fuels will cause global warming and wreak havoc on a global scale long into the future. Every national government (except the current U.S. government) sees the critical importance of reducing greenhouse gases, and has signed the United Nations Paris climate accord to limit global warming to no more than 2°C.

Reaching this goal required doing things differently. But for cash-strapped municipalities and businesses watching their profitability it’s not always obvious where to start, and on Manitoulin that is where Green Economy North comes in, helping to identify and prioritize potential energy savings and funding opportunities. Kudos to the municipalities for showing leadership!

Jan McQuay



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