Home News Local Kenjgewin Teg celebrated learners and staff at inaugural student and staff awards

Kenjgewin Teg celebrated learners and staff at inaugural student and staff awards


LITTLE CURRENT—Kenjgewin Teg staff, students and their families gathered at the Manitoulin Hotel and Conference centre on Thursday, February 2, for the 2022 Student and Staff Awards Celebration. This marked the first time the award celebrations were held for both staff and students, together, as the awards were traditionally apart of Kenjgewin Teg’s graduation ceremony.

Kenjgewin Teg Board member and Elder of Mnidoo Mnising Leona Nahwegahbow gave the opening prayer. The newly formed Kenjgewin Teg Drum Group, a blended group of students and staff, performed an opening song. This was their first public performance and was well received by the crowd.

“Getting together to celebrate and recognize our learners, together with our Kenjgewin Teg team, is something we’ve greatly missed the past two years,” said Kenjgewin Teg acting president Beverley Roy. “I am especially proud of all our learners who are a part of Kenjgewin Teg’s 2022 inaugural awards celebration; they have all demonstrated their commitment to themselves and their lifelong journey. Tonight, is all about celebrating the gifts and successes of our students, alumni, and Kenjgewin Teg team members.”

Master of Ceremonies, Kenjgewin Teg Dean of Pathways Mark Gibeault, introduced the student award presenters, while Kenjgewin Teg Director of Operations Shanna Hare introduced the staff award presenters.

The student awards, and their recipients, are as follows:

The Kenjgewin Teg Board of Directors Award, presented to a deserving student who demonstrates exceptional achievement in their personal and educational goals, serving as an exemplary role model in the Kenjgewin Teg learning environment, was awarded by Kenjgewin Teg Board Member Robert Beaudin to Lakota Preston.

The Brian Bisson-Baa Memorial Award, presented to a deserving alumni of Kenjgewin Teg who demonstrated commitment to their learning and always conveying support and care for others, was awarded to Kenjgewin Teg alumni and Brian Bisson’s daughter Cassandra Bisson by Anishinaabe Aadziwin Facilitator Wayne Trudeau. This award acknowledges an individual who seeks the positive in situations despite the circumstance.

The Kim Corbiere Mino Bmaadziwin Memorial Award, presented to a deserving student of Kenjgewin Teg exemplifying the importance of a balance of commitment to their academic program of study and their personal growth and development in family and community, was awarded to Elaine Trudeau. Kim-baa was a kind and loving spirit who will always remind others of the delicate balance and importance of living a good life, “Mino Bmaadziwin.”

The Charles Shawanda Memorial Award, awarded to a deserving student exemplifying the importance of balance and commitment to their academic program of study, balanced with their personal growth and development in family and community, was presented to Sasha Hare.

The Sara Peltier Memorial Award for Post-Secondary Educational Excellence, presented to a deserving student demonstrating exceptional commitment and dedication to their personal and educational goals, and serving as an exemplary role model in the Kenjgewin Teg learning environment, was awarded to Amanda Third by Kenjgewin Teg Director of Health and Wellness Whitney McGraw.

The Lloyd Debassige Memorial Award honours a trade student who has shown commitment, dedication and leadership in a trades program combining culture, language and academics as their main focus at Kenjgewin Teg. This year’s award went to Cecil Lamarr, presented by Trades, Apprenticeships, and Skills Program Coordinator Jade Peltier.

The Lewis Debassige Memorial Award, presented to a deserving student demonstrating exceptional leadership qualities and serving as an exemplary role model in the Kenjgewin Teg learning environment, was awarded to Ryan Tricco.

The Glen Crawford Award – Embracing your Educational Journey, presented to a deserving graduate demonstrating a commitment to nurturing their identity and embracing their educational journey, was awarded to Margo Turple.

The Martin Bayer Award, presented to a deserving secondary student demonstrating dedication to school attendance and serving as an exemplary role model in the Kenjgewin Teg learning environment, was awarded to Sarah Migwans-Bayer.

The Kino-Maage Gimaa (President’s) Award, awarded for high achievement in academics, culture, language and community service, was presented by Kenjgewin Teg A/President Beverley Roy to Austin Pangowish.

The Indigenous Institutes Consortium Award - Student, presented to a deserving student serving as an exemplary role model in culture and language in the Kenjgewin Teg learning environment, was awarded to Austin Pangowish by Anishinaabe Aadziwin Facilitator Wayne Trudeau.

The Indigenous Institutes Consortium Award – Instructor, presented to a deserving instructor serving as exemplary role model in culture and language in the Kenjgewin Teg learning environment, was presented to Welding Instructor Dave Barnes.

The Board Award for Whitefish River – Post-Secondary, Mukwa (Bear) Award for being a solid student, focused and thorough in approach, was presented by Kenjgewin Teg Board member (Whitefish River First Nation representative) Leona Nahwegahbow to Melissa Jacko.

The Board Award for Sheguiandah – Post-Secondary, Waboose (Rabbit) Award for high productivity in schoolwork, was presented to Marcus Collinson.

The Board Award for Sheshegwaning – Post-Secondary, Mgizi (Eagle) Award for a student continuing in post-secondary studies, was presented to Lakota Preston by Kenjgewin Teg Board Member Robert Beaudin.

The Board Award for Aundeck Omni Kaning – Secondary School, Naanooshke (Hummingbird) Award for committed participation and support in school events, was awarded to Tyler Tokarz.

The Board Award for M’Chigeeng – Post-Secondary, Waawaashkesh (Deer) Award for quiet support and creative contribution to the school, was presented to Melissa Jacko by Kenjgewin Teg Board Member Robert Beaudin.

The Board Award for Zhiibaahaasing – Post-Secondary, Jiijaak (Crane) Award for enthusiasm and energy, was presented to Casey Digby by Kenjgewin Teg Board Member Robert Beaudin.

The Board Award for Constance Lake -Post-Secondary, Mshiikenh (Turtle) Award for continuous hard work, was presented by Kenjgewin Teg Board Member Robert Beaudin to Lindsay Owl.

The Board Award for Sagamok Post-Secondary, Wiingush (Sweetgrass) Award for persistence and belief in oneself, was presented to Chris Spong by Kenjgewin Teg Board Member Robert Beaudin.

The staff awards, and their recipients, are as follows:

The Distinguished Service Award recognizes a Kenjgewin Teg employee who, for a variety of reasons, has exemplified what it means to be a great employee in the following areas, but not limited to: promoting Kenjgewin Teg to the community, promoting diversity in the office or the community, community service and outstanding service to Kenjgewin Teg. This year’s award recipient was Director of Health and Wellness Whitney McGraw.

The Outstanding Service to Education Award recognizes an employee who has demonstrated outstanding service in their position directly or indirectly to Kenjgewin Teg students, clients, or staff. This year’s award recipient was Kenjgewin Teg Secondary School Teacher Amy Debassige.

The Innovation in Education Award recognizes an employee that has designed and implemented a significant innovation (project, process, or activity) that contributed to the overall quality, creativity, costs, efficiency and effectiveness of Kenjgewin Teg. This year’s award recipient was Academic Technologist Emily Deegan.

Student Engagement Coordinator Christine Sarbu was recognized for five years of service with Kenjgewin Teg.

Director of Finance Melanie McGregor was recognized for five years of service with Kenjgewin Teg.


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