Home News Local Island high schools fare well at pre-NSSSA track and field meet

Island high schools fare well at pre-NSSSA track and field meet


ESPANOLA—Manitoulin Secondary School (MSS) and Wasse-Abin High School track and field athletes performed very well at the pre-North Shore Secondary School Association track and field meet held in Espanola, last week.

In the women’s novice division 100 metre dash, Sadie Bridgeman of MSS took top spot, with fellow Mustang Tessa Merrylees in seventh place. Tessa was ninth in the 200 metre dash.

Sadie was first in the women’s 400 metre dash novice division with Janelle Akiweenzie of WAHS finishing eighth.

The women’s 800 metre novice run saw Sadie take top spot, Autumn Davy of MSS in fourth and Janelle of WAHS sixth.

Two WAHS runners, Janelle Dokum and Janelle Akiweenzie finished in fourth and fifth respectively, in the women’s 1,500 metre novice run.

Deea Peltier of WAHS finished first in the women’s novice division high jump, with Sadie of MSS taking the top spot in the women long jump novice division, with Deea and Janelle Dokum, both of WAHS, placing eighth and ninth.

In the women’s triple jump novice division, Tessa of MSS was second, with Autumn in fifth.

In the women’s junior division 400 metre dash, Morgan Green of MSS placed second.

Two MSS runners took the top two spots in the women’s junior 800, 1,500 and 3,000 metre run. Maren Kasunich was in top spot with Mackenzie Green placing second.

Morgan was first in the women’s junior division high jump. Saraya Eshkawkogan of MSS was first in the women’s  junior division long jump. In the triple jump Saraya finished fist.

MSS runner Sophie Hietkamp finished third in the women’s 100 metre dash senior division with Mark Otosquaiob of MSS finishing seventh.

Sophie finished in first place in the women’s senior high jump, long jump and triple jump.

The Mustangs women 4×400 metre relay open team placed first. The team includes Morgan Green, Maren Kasunich, Mackenzie Green and Annie Balfe.

In the men’s 100 metre dash novice division, Cash Duchene of MSS took top spot. Andrew Cooper of MSS was second in the 200 metre dash novice division as well as taking second in the men’s 400 metre dash novice division.

Xavier Mara took top spot and Matthew Wilkin was sixth  in the men’s 1,500 metre run in the novice division. Xavier was also first in the 3,000 metre run.

Cash and Andrew finished first and fifth in the men’s novice long jump division, and first and third respectively in the men’s triple jump.

Devin Legge and Davin Deschenes of MSS finished in fourth and eight place in the men’s  100 metre dash junior division. The men’s  400 metre dash junior division saw Davin Deschenes in first place with fellow MSS runners Orland Carter and TJ Green in fourth and fifth, respectively.

Brodie Pennie of MSS led the way in the men’s 800 metre run in the junior division, with Carter Orland in third place. In the men’s 1,500 metre run, junior division, Brodie of MSS was first with Orland in fourth. Brodie was also first in the men’s 3,000 metre run.

Davin and Devin, of MSS, finished first and second in the men’s junior division high jump. In the men’s junior division long jump, Devin finished in a third-place tie, while Davin was fifth and TJ Green was seventh. TJ also finished in third place in the men’s junior division triple jump.

In the men’s 100 metre dash, senior division, Jared Cortes of MSS finished in a fifth place tie.

Alan Wilkin of MSS finished in second in the men’s 400 metre dash senior division, with Jack Pennie in sixth position.

The men’s 800 metre senior division run saw Jack in fourth, Alan fifth and Jared in eighth. The men’s 1,500 metre senior division run saw Alan in fourth and Jack seventh, both of MSS.

In the men’s senior division long jump, Jack was fifth and Alan finished 11th.

The MSS men’s 4×400 metre relay open division team finished second. This team included TJ Green Davin Deschenes and Carter Noland.


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