Home Columns Ice Chips and Canoe Quips

Ice Chips and Canoe Quips


Mindemoya Classic

The 15th anniversary of the Run, Paddle and Pedal, Mindemoya Classic, was graced with perfect weather, great participants and tireless volunteers. The fastest time of the day came from the relay pair of Mike Reuter and Alex Anstice. With some 22-plus km to cover, their time of 1:16 is dumbfounding! Also, Alex posted the fastest cycling leg, needing only 24 minutes over the 13 km of trails and roads. Second in the division were Kierra Marquis and Mike Banks in a great 1:20. Lisanne and Chris Gauld the Gaulden Warriors were third (1:42).

The next fastest division was the two-person endurance class where both teammates need to complete the run, the canoe and the bike sections! Congratulations to Michael Niven and Brandon Belan who zipped through the course just behind the winners with a 1:17 clocking. Taking second in the Endurance Pairs were Ben and Sarah Quackenbush at 1:32 and at third were Greg Bond and Denise Brady in 1:37!

The Four Person Relay division was the third fastest with Team Haner winning the title with a 1:18 time thanks to Stacy Haner running, Chris and Al Haner paddled and Ben Haner on his two-wheeler. In second were the Go-Rillas including: James Scott, Tina Pippy, Devon Axam and Jasmine Emmerson (1:25:23). In third were the Five Stars featuring: Marjorie Scott, Paris Axam, Heather Thompson and Brian Doan (1:37).

Next division to break the tape was the Family division with the Parks family taking it in only 1:20. Runner Kennedy Parks, paddlers Hughie and Nancy Parks and cyclist Caleb Parks. Taking second was the family dubbed Thomas’s Tomatoes including Thomas, Zoe, Matthew, Steve Redmond and Peter Ford (1:26). In the bronze medal position was the Tustian family of: John and Mason Tustian, Dave Dunn and Jeanne Lefebvre (1:39).

The solo racers were next in thanks to a great performance by Steve Arthurs (1:26) and Dale Wallace (1:28)! Steve easily paddled the fastest leg on the day in only 19:53!

The Four Person Endurance class welcomed the return of the Jeffrey clan who easily won the toughest division. With all four needing to run, paddle and pedal Geoff, Adam and John Jeffrey and Julie Bechard eclipsed the division with a 1:30 time.

Finally, the hotly contested corporate division was an out of eatery experience for the Schoolhouse Restaurant. With team Schoolhouse I up against Schoolhouse II it was I before II to claim colleague supremacy. Team I included: Devin Pilon, Greg Niven, Victoria Cranston and Vanessa Glasby (1:30). Team II featured: Rick Petersen, Maddy Niven, Nick Head-Petersen and Liz Oswald (1:39).

As usual some of the most memorable moments on the day did not make the top-finishers of their respective divisions. In the family division, David and Susan Johnson made up some serious time once they hit the water for their canoe leg. Susan, who has made steady gains after a serious stroke several years ago was commanding in her bow seat to help her and David to move up several positions. In other memorable moments, one (unnamed) canoe pair who had not been in a canoe in a decade had a steep re-learning curve as they endured three “refreshing” swims before they, “got the hang of it” and finished with smiles on their faces. Their team was an inspiration to everyone to just get out, do your best and most importantly have fun.

The good times could not all be attributed to the weather alone however as the Classic volunteers everything kept running smoothly. Many thanks to Melodie Cyr, Tori Leblanc, Murray Haner, Hailey Leblanc, David Johnson, Denise Leblanc, Larry and Corinne Leblanc, Tom Scott and Wade Leblanc.

Softball silver!

In a recent ball tourney in Azilda the Wikwemikoong Sons of Pitches came within an eyelash of winning the high-level, fast-pitch gold. Members of the team included: Kyle Baibomcowai, Ralph Gonawabi, Blair Morrison, Colten Pheasant, A.J. Abitong, Brent Nashkawa and Darren Zack. Great effort gentlemen!


The Canada Day Homecoming, long weekend saw the Mindemoya squad use home-field advantage to take the A division on their familiar turf. The team members included: Al Lanktree, Logan Bayer, Corey Karn, Happy Gilmour, Dawson Campbell, Chris King, Cole King, Tyler King, Ryan Prior, Stuart Pearson, Justin Lanktree and Jeff Delange. It’s always sweet to win town’s own event, congrats. Hats off to M’Chigeeng as well, who took the B-Title.

Multi-sport MVP!

Well-known local athlete Gregory Paquet Trudeau, son of former Wikwemikong athlete Ramona Trudeau, cleaned up at the St. Charles College athletic banquet. Greg won the MVP for Varsity hockey as well as Boys’ Soccer while also wrapping up the Most Outstanding Athlete award. Congrats to Gregory and Mom too!

A good sport is good for sports



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