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Island Track and Field

The annual Manitoulin Track and Field championships took place over the last week in Gore Bay. The 800m and field events day took place on Friday June 10 and the remaining track events were on Tuesday June 14. As it turned out it was a banner year with nine records being broken. CMPS athlete, Ava Assinewai now owns two in the 9 year girls’ record books. She ripped up the track on Friday in the 800m as she clocked in with a 3:04.28 minute race. On Tuesday, Ava then broke the 1500m race setting with a speedy: 6:08.50!

In the nine year old boys’ division C.C. McLean’s, Jaydan Hayden and LCPS’s Colin Lindner both leapt 1.99 m in the standing long-jump to raise the bar in the record books. In the same division, Davin Deschesnes (LCPS) nipped the 1500m record in 5:47.98!

In the 10 year old girls, standing long jump, Kaylee Assinewai of LCPS set a new record of 1.89 m.

Whittier Gauthier (LCPS) upped the 11 year old girl, standing long-jump mark with a 2.10 m mark. Over at high jump, Sophie Heitkamp (CCMC) flew over the bar at 1.36 m!

In the 12 year old girls’ event, Malia Leighton (CCMC) also set her mark at 1.33 m. Finally, the Little Current 13 year old girls broke the 4 x 100m Relay record with a 1:02.05 minute clocking.

In the individual aggregate competition here are the medal winners for the 9 and under girls’: Ava Assinewai gold, Brooke Gibeault silver, Saraya Eshkawkogan bronze. 9 and under boys: Malachi Joseph gold, Jaydan Hayden silver, Brodie Pennie Silver, Davin Deschenes and John-Michael Taggart.

10 year old girls: Aysia Debassige gold, Delaney Bridgeman silver and Shaolin Roy bronze. 10 year old boys: Mason Leighton gold, Billy Biederman silver, Lucas Wright silver and David Gibbons bronze.

11 year old girls: Victoria Trudeau gold and Trish Patterson gold, Sophie Heitkamp silver, Whittier Gauthier silver and Autumn Peltier bronze. 11 year old boys: Trent Bell gold, Liam Bridgeman silver, Sam Assiniwei silver, Jared Cortes bronze.

12 year old girls: Malia Leighton gold, Sierra Pangowish silver, Hailey McGillis-Prior bronze. Boys: Nyron Panamick gold, Owen Duncanson gold, Johnny Bushey silver, Austin Hayden bronze.

13 year old girls: Marjorie Scott gold, Randi Lynn Lovelace silver, Britney Biederman bronze. Boys: Austin Purvis gold, Ryan Jones silver, Boston Thibault silver, Ian Dokum bronze and Kyle Greenman bronze.

In the overall team competition, CC McLean came first followed by Little Current Public School and Central Manitoulin P.S.

Island athlete hits milestone

The legend of Wikwemikong had a huge birthday on June 19th. Donald “Scotty” Fisher celebrated his 90th birthday on the golf course and elsewhere. Besides golf, Donald has played ball, hockey, curling, running etc. If a sport exists this youngster has played it at some time.

A longtime marine engineer on Great Lakes freighters Don returned home and became Wikwemikong’s recreation director. Of all his accomplishments he is best known for coaching hockey and distance running. He successfully coached the Wiky Hawks for a good number of years particularly in the 1970-80s. He was not afraid to take his squad against some of the best teams in Northern Ontario. Though a “D” center by NOHA population stats, Fisher matched up well against AA and even AAA teams from the big cities and his teams who trained year-round often beat the big boys. Don knew his hockey and was an awesome motivator. Three of his protégées, Cliff Bondy, Tim Peltier and Kirk Peltier, ended up as part of a National Championship at the Midget level with AAA Sudbury. Many of his players moved on to various levels of junior hockey. A familiar face on the roads of Wikwemikoong, Fisher was also an inspiration to many local youth who followed his example. Happy 90th Scotty. See you on your 100th!

New run-walk slated

It is always exciting to hear of another event on Manitoulin that may help inspire us to get out and be more active. The newest endeavour is also for a good cause. The Gore Bay/Gordon/Barrie Island Volunteer Fire Department is organizing a 5 Km and 8 Km Walk/Run Around the Bay on July 23 at 10 am. As a kick-off to Gore Bay’s Harbour Days, the departments hope to encourage community fitness, and raise funds for needed fire department equipment.

Local business sponsors have already been very generous, and they hope that their slogan of “Come Run for Us” will be taken to heart by Island residents, and their visitors. There will soon be posters circulating, online registration is available through sudburyrocks.ca (click on Events for July 23rd), or in-person, manually at the Gore Bay Municipal Centre. For more information please contact Skip Bloxham via email at skipbloxham@gmail.com or give him a call at: 705-210-0785.

Pickleball points!

Congratulations to the Manitoulin Pickleball players who qualified for the Ontario Senior Games to represent zone 3 (that includes Sudbury, North Bay and Manitoulin). In mixed doubles, age 55 to 65 were Bud and Pierrette Hebner. In men’s doubles, in the same age group the Island will be represented by Garry Wolfe and George Ballantyne. The Ontario Senior Games will be played in Midland this coming August 9 and 10th. Good luck team!

The local club, by the way is still welcoming players to the club Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10 to noon as well as Thursday evenings from 6 to 8. If you are interested in the sport please contact Bud or Pierrette Hebner, 705-368-1953 or bphebner@gmail.com.

A good sport is good for sports. chipstoquips@gmail.com


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