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Ice Chips & Canoe Quips


Wiky Road Race gets people participating!

Firstly, I must correct myself in saying that it has been 50 years since the start of the race. In fact it is the 50th running of the event, because in the beginning, there was a spring and fall run so the initial race was not until 1976. Twice a year? Wow, we were active back then!

The winning time overall was placed by Neil Mahalanobis with a clocking of 36:17. Ted Hanley was second in 37:44 and then a very, familiar Aurel Fox-Recollet took third less than six seconds behind!

The next fastest category was actually the high school division with OFSSA ready Maren Kasunich ripping up the course in only 40 minutes followed by teammate Ava Corbiere in second. Hats off to Julian Wemigwans and Emery Watson who filled out the largely unpopular High School Division.

In the women’s event Hannah Brown was the first female and Sierra Pangowish was close on her heels for 2nd and then Julie Hayes took the Bronze.

The following runners placed in the 13 and Under Division! Wasmowin Beaudry in an astonishing 51 minutes, Julian Luoma, second, in just under 54 minutes and then Brayden Wabano rounding out the podium.

The huge announcement is that many people who maybe don’t ordinarily get out and do this sort of thing DID! You know who you are. Congratulations!

For more results you can visit the Sudbury Rocks Running Club website for complete details.

Mindemoya Hockey?

What is happening at the heart of it all? Central Manitoulin has the luxury of two rinks! Seriously? Last year, all of Mindemoya’s games/practices were played out of the Providence Bay rink when the inevitable chiller malfunction occurred. Now, a part that was needed when Mindemoya shut down last fall is still not here. Supply chain issues notwithstanding this appears to be a major blow to all of the kids that live and breathe hockey! Now, Providence Bay has been shut down because their electrical system is not up to code.

If it wasn’t for M’Chigeeng accommodating Mindemoya’s teams there would be no hockey for them. Everyone knows that recreational activities are a money losing endeavor. It is an easy battle cry at election time. Recreation for youth is needed, despite the cost.

Hockey Night in Wiikwemkoong!

How about this? If you are long suffering Leafs fan or even just a hockey fan you have to go see the Toronto Maple Leafs Alumni Game at the Thunderdome in downtown Wiikwemkoong on October 29 (7 pm start)! Players you may remember include: Rick Vaive, Gary Leeman, Shayne Corson, Trevor Kidd, Wayne Primeau, Dave McIlwain, Brad May, Dave Reid, Lou Franceschetti, Nathan Perot, Ric Jackman, Ric Nattress, Matt Martin, Todd Gill, Craig Muni, Bob McGill and Craig Hotham!

Wiikwemkoong Tourism invites you to see former NHL stars as they come to entertain fans with some classic old time hockey. This will be the hottest ticket on Manitoulin Island with tons of contests, prizes and fun for the whole family. This event is brought to you in partnership with Indigenous Tourism Ontario. To top it off the public is free to attend. There is only a QR code to scan for tickets. Please visit see the ad on Page 20 to scan the code.

Everyone into the pool!

Do you like to shoot pool and have a good time this winter and spring? The Manitoulin Pool Players are looking for people to join their League. The season starts October 22 and runs through to early May. The start time is 6 pm (sharp) and runs until 9 or 10 pm. This 8-ball play occurs in Spring Bay (across from the wind turbines). For more information or to join, call Joyce at 705-988-3143 or Rusty at 705-282-4061.

A good sport is good for sports


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