Home News Local Halloween safety

Halloween safety


MANITOULIN – On October 31st the streets in our communities will become populated with excited children seeking special treats and goodies. Due to the excitement, these little trick or treaters tend to forget the basic safety rules, along with being dressed in dark coloured costumes the odds for safety are greatly against the motorists. So if you must drive that evening please be on the lookout for these children, as nobody wants to be responsible for a death or injury of a child on this happy occasion.

Parents you also have a responsibility to make your child’s Halloween a safe and memorable one. Here is a list of a few Halloween safety tips,

  • Make sure the child’s costume has bright colours, if not; fluorescent tape works wonders for visibility at night. If at all possible have your child carry a flashlight.
  • Parents accompany your child on their outings; if unable make arrangements to have a reliable person to take them trick or treating.
  • Teach and remind your child the basic safety rules of the road, to look both ways and to cross at intersections when traffic is clear.
  • Remind children not to talk or except rides from strangers.
  • Inspect all candy and fruits, beware of homemade candy and discard any unwrapped goods. Have children refrain from consuming goods until inspected by you.
  • If your child wears a mask make sure it has sufficient eyeholes to see through. If these simple rules are followed your child will enjoy a very happy and safe Halloween.


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