Home News Local Great community support for Kagawong’s Terry Fox Run

Great community support for Kagawong’s Terry Fox Run

The majority of the 51 people who took part in the annual Terry Fox Run, held in Kagawong for the first time this year, pose for a picture just prior to starting the run.

KAGAWONG – The response from participants to the first Terry Fox Run held in Kagawong this year far exceeded expectations.

“This is more than we had expected,” Tanya Connell, co-organizer of the event told the Recorder. “For our first run this is amazing.”

The run took place this past Sunday in communities across Canada. “I want to welcome everyone here today,” Ms. Connell told the runners prior to the run taking place. “This is an amazing response for the first year of the Kagawong event.” She praised her “awesome” volunteer team including Sharon Jackson, Kayleigh Harrietha, Rob Seifried, Landon Seifried, Dustin Harrietha, Craig Jackson and Bryan Barker for helping out.

In her address to the participants, Ms. Connell said, “together with an incredible team of devoted volunteers, I have the pleasure of welcoming you to the 39th Terry Fox Run for cancer research. Thirty-nine years ago, after 143 days and 3,339 miles, Terry was forced to stop running outside of Thunder Bay, Ontario. Before returning to British Columbia for treatment Terry said, ‘I’m going to do my very best. I’ll fight. I promise I won’t give up.’ He never did and neither have you,” said Ms. Connell. “We are so grateful for the faith you have in the work of the foundation. So much has changed since Terry’s run in 1980 yet the drive for significant results in our cancer research projects is just as strong as ever. And with the recent announcement of $150 million in federal government funding for the new Marathon of Hope Cancer Centres Network we are renewed in our dedication to bringing precision medicine to every Canadian diagnosed with cancer.”

“Your contribution today leaves our entire committee humbled and grateful for the dedication our community shows for the Terry Fox Run which has raised as of 2017—through the Little Current run—a remarkable $85,754.55 since 1982,” continued Ms. Connell.

“As you walk, run or bike our route today, I hope you take a moment to reflect on your personal contribution to Terry’s legacy and take pride in knowing that the spirit of Terry Fox has a home in our wonderful community,” said Ms. Connell.

The Kagawong walk included one-, five- and 10-kilometre routes. 

John Gordon, a participant in the run noted $75 had been donated by Myrna Thomas and the ladies’ golf league at Manitoulin Golf last Wednesday, with another $40 donated online as well for the Terry Fox Run. 

Ms. Connell pointed out, “I received a call from Terry Fox’s brother on Friday evening. I was shocked when he told me who he was and he thanked me personally for taking the time to organize the run. He wished us luck and encouraged us to continue the fight.”

Ms. Connell noted as well, “we are looking for more volunteers to help out next year; specifically, we encourage high school students if they want to accumulate their public community service hours, they can do this by helping out with the run.” 

People can still donate to the Terry Fox Run by sending in pledge forms until until October 4 directly to the Terry Fox Foundation.

With in-person and online donations, the Kagawong Terry Fox Run raised an amazing $1,498 (including t-shirt sales), Ms. Connell noted, pointing out that 51 people took part in the Kagawong run. She also thanked Bridal Veil Variety which donated ice for the event to keep water, juices and snacks cold for participants to enjoy after the run. That location hosted Billings Township Volunteer Fire Department members Jim Chambers, Martin Connell, Scott Graham and Apryl Mayer who held a boot drive to raise funds for the run. 


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